This is my situation, I have markers that show information from a JSON, what I want is to select a marker and that I sent an activity with the information associated with it, the problem is that, this step is not met, reviewing logcat, I noticed that when selecting a bookmark, it immediately sent the data of all the bookmarks, including the one I clicked on, attached code to complement the question.'public void onMapReady (GoogleMap googleMap) {
ArrayList<WeakHashMap<String, String>> location = null;
String url = "";
try {
JSONArray data = new JSONArray(getHttpGet(url));
location = new ArrayList<WeakHashMap<String, String>>();
WeakHashMap<String, String> map;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
JSONObject tienda = data.getJSONObject(i);
map = new WeakHashMap<String, String>();
map.put("id_estacionamiento", tienda.getString("id_estacionamiento"));
map.put("usuario_rut_administrador", tienda.getString("usuario_rut_administrador"));
map.put("nombre_estacionamiento", tienda.getString("nombre_estacionamiento"));
map.put("latitud", tienda.getString("latitud"));
map.put("longitud", tienda.getString("longitud"));
map.put("cantidad_cupos", tienda.getString("cantidad_cupos"));
Log.e("lo que recibe el mapa", String.valueOf(map));
} catch (JSONException e) {
for (int i = 0; i < location.size(); i++) {
idestacionamiento = String.valueOf(location.get(i).get("id_estacionamiento"));
name = String.valueOf(location.get(i).get("nombre_estacionamiento"));
double latitude = Double.parseDouble(location.get(i).get("latitud"));
double longitude = Double.parseDouble(location.get(i).get("longitud"));
name2 = String.valueOf(location.get(i).get("cantidad_cupos"));
name4 = String.valueOf(location.get(i).get("usuario_rut_administrador"));
Log.e("lo que recibe el mapa", String.valueOf(location));
name1 = "Nombre Estacionamiento: " + name;
name3 = "Cupos: " + name2;
String name5 = "Horario Atencion: 09:00 a 18:00";
Marker marker = googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
.position(new LatLng(latitude, longitude))
.snippet(Arrays.toString(name3.split("[\r\n]+")) + name5));
idmarcador = marker.getId();
mHashMap.put(i, marker);
}Log.e("lo que recibe el mapa", String.valueOf(location));
final ArrayList<WeakHashMap<String, String>> finalLocation = location;
googleMap.setOnInfoWindowClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener() {
public void onInfoWindowClick(Marker marker) {
LatLng lat_long = marker.getPosition();
Intent iratienda = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), ConfirmarReserva.class);
iratienda.putExtra("id_estacionamiento", idestacionamiento);
iratienda.putExtra("usuario_rut_administrador", name4);
iratienda.putExtra("nombre_estacionamiento", name);
iratienda.putExtra("cantidad_cupos", name2);
Log.e("Informacion_enviada", String.valueOf(finalLocation));
06-26 03: 51: 14.250 21745-21745 / com.fernandobrito.parking E / Submitted_information: [{length = -71.822754, latitude = -36.140648, quantity_cupos = 10, nombre_estacionamiento = johnito, user_rut_administrador = 1, id_estacionamiento = 1}, {length = -0.324234, latitude = -0.324324, quantity_quotas = 1, station_name = fernando, user_rut_manager = 1111, id_stage = 2}, {length = -71.824051, latitude = -36.142857, quantity_quotas = 100, name_seat = princess, administrator_rut_user = 1111, station_id = 4}, {length = -71.824043, latitude = -36.143135, number_quotas = 21, station_name = fffff, administrator_rut_user = 1111, station_id = 5}, {length = -71.817596, latitude = -36.144310, quantity_quotas = 22, staging_name = ttttt, administrator_rut_user = 1111, staging_id = 6}]
and here is the logcat, where when selecting a marker, instead of sending the information of the marker that was pressed, all those that are in the database are sent.
Thanks, I hope you have understood, and can help me :( '