I have a little problem and I can not correct the error ... I have this PHP code shown below, in which I do an inner join and what I want to do is pull all the results of the records obtained by means of an array to get them printed in a list way
Try it in two ways one is commented but neither of the two ways work correctly ... I hope you can help me ... GREETINGS AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!
$consulta = "SELECT a.numero_proveedor AS NUMERO_PROVEDOR,a.monto_pago AS MONTO_PAGO,a.fecha_archivo AS FECHA_ARCHIVO,pf.nombre AS NOMBRE,pf.apellido_paterno AS APELLIDO_PATERNO,pf.apellido_materno AS APELLIDO_MATERNO,pf.razon_social AS RAZON_SOCIAL,pf.sucursal AS SUCURSAL,pf.cuenta AS CUENTA,pf.clabe AS CLABE,tf.descripcion AS TIPO_TRANSFERENCIA,b.nombre AS BANCO,d.descripcion AS ESTATUS
FROM tef.archivo a
INNER JOIN tef.proveedores pf ON a.numero_proveedor = pf.numero_proveedor
INNER JOIN tef.tipo_transferencia tf ON pf.id_tipo_transferencia = tf.id
INNER JOIN tef.bancos b ON pf.id_banco = b.id
INNER JOIN tef.estatus_proveedor d ON pf.id_estatus = d.id";
// where b.id=1
$rs = mysql_query ( $consulta)or die (mysql_error());
$row5 = mysql_fetch_array($rs);
$monto = $row5["MONTO_PAGO"];
$clabe = $row5["clabe"];
$cuenta_prov = $row5["CUENTA"];
$nombre = $row5["nombre"];
$apellido_paterno = $row5["apellido_paterno"];
$apellido_materno = $row5["apellido_materno"];
$tipo_transferencia= $row5["TIPO_TRANSFERENCIA"];
$sucursal = $row5["SUCURSAL"];
// while ($row6 = mysql_fetch_array($rs)){
// echo $row6[1];
// echo $row6[2];
// echo $row6[3];
// echo $row6[4];
// echo $row6[5];
// }