MIreating export_stockinfo_xls from odoo 10 to odoo 11


I'm migrating export_stockinfo_xls.py see 10 to see. 11 from ODOO on LINUX.

But the program current_stock_xls.py , in the last line

StockReportXls('report.export_stockinfo_xls.stock_report_xls.xlsx', 'product.product')

I get the following error.


TypeError: new () takes 1 positional argument but 3

If I comment this line in the program, the module works but does not send the report, it's just a matter of adapting this line.

StockReportXls('report.export_stockinfo_xls.stock_report_xls.xlsx', 'product.product')

I leave the entire program. I hope someone can help me solve the case.

Thank you.

import datetime
#from odoo.addons.report_xlsx.report.report_xlsx import ReportXlsx
from odoo import models

class StockReportXls(models.AbstractModel):
    _name = 'report.module_name.report_name'
    _inherit = 'report.report_xlsx.abstract'

    def get_warehouse(self, data):
        if data.get('form', False) and data['form'].get('warehouse', False):
            l1 = []
            l2 = []
            obj = self.env['stock.warehouse'].search([('id', 'in', data['form']['warehouse'])])
            for j in obj:
        return l1, l2

    def get_category(self, data):
        if data.get('form', False) and data['form'].get('category', False):
            l2 = []
            obj = self.env['product.category'].search([('id', 'in', data['form']['category'])])
            for j in obj:
            return l2
        return ''

    def get_lines(self, data, warehouse):
        lines = []
        categ = self.get_category(data)
        if categ:
            stock_history = self.env['product.product'].search([('categ_id', 'in', categ)])
            stock_history = self.env['product.product'].search([])
        for obj in stock_history:
            sale_value = 0
            purchase_value = 0
            product = self.env['product.product'].browse(obj.id)
            sale_obj = self.env['sale.order.line'].search([('order_id.state', 'in', ('sale', 'done')),
                                                           ('product_id', '=', product.id),
                                                           ('order_id.warehouse_id', '=', warehouse)])
            for i in sale_obj:
                sale_value = sale_value + i.product_uom_qty
            purchase_obj = self.env['purchase.order.line'].search([('order_id.state', 'in', ('purchase', 'done')),
                                                                   ('product_id', '=', product.id),
                                                                   ('order_id.picking_type_id', '=', warehouse)])
            for i in purchase_obj:
                purchase_value = purchase_value + i.product_qty
            available_qty = product.with_context({'warehouse': warehouse}).virtual_available + \
                            product.with_context({'warehouse': warehouse}).outgoing_qty - \
                            product.with_context({'warehouse': warehouse}).incoming_qty
            value = available_qty * product.standard_price
            vals = {
                'sku': product.default_code,
                'name': product.name,
                'category': product.categ_id.name,
                'cost_price': product.standard_price,
                'available': available_qty,
                'virtual': product.with_context({'warehouse': warehouse}).virtual_available,
                'incoming': product.with_context({'warehouse': warehouse}).incoming_qty,
                'outgoing': product.with_context({'warehouse': warehouse}).outgoing_qty,
                'net_on_hand': product.with_context({'warehouse': warehouse}).qty_available,
                'total_value': value,
                'sale_value': sale_value,
                'purchase_value': purchase_value,
        return lines

    def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, lines):
        get_warehouse = self.get_warehouse(data)
        count = len(get_warehouse[0]) * 11 + 6
        sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Stock Info')
        format1 = workbook.add_format({'font_size': 14, 'bottom': True, 'right': True, 'left': True, 'top': True, 'align': 'vcenter', 'bold': True})
        format11 = workbook.add_format({'font_size': 12, 'align': 'center', 'right': True, 'left': True, 'bottom': True, 'top': True, 'bold': True})
        format21 = workbook.add_format({'font_size': 10, 'align': 'center', 'right': True, 'left': True,'bottom': True, 'top': True, 'bold': True})
        format3 = workbook.add_format({'bottom': True, 'top': True, 'font_size': 12})
        font_size_8 = workbook.add_format({'bottom': True, 'top': True, 'right': True, 'left': True, 'font_size': 8})
        red_mark = workbook.add_format({'bottom': True, 'top': True, 'right': True, 'left': True, 'font_size': 8,
                                        'bg_color': 'red'})
        justify = workbook.add_format({'bottom': True, 'top': True, 'right': True, 'left': True, 'font_size': 12})
        sheet.merge_range('A3:G3', 'Report Date: ' + str(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p")), format1)
        sheet.merge_range(2, 7, 2, count, 'Warehouses', format1)
        sheet.merge_range('A4:G4', 'Product Information', format11)
        w_col_no = 6
        w_col_no1 = 7
        for i in get_warehouse[0]:
            w_col_no = w_col_no + 11
            sheet.merge_range(3, w_col_no1, 3, w_col_no, i, format11)
            w_col_no1 = w_col_no1 + 11
        sheet.write(4, 0, 'SKU', format21)
        sheet.merge_range(4, 1, 4, 3, 'Name', format21)
        sheet.merge_range(4, 4, 4, 5, 'Category', format21)
        sheet.write(4, 6, 'Cost Price', format21)
        p_col_no1 = 7
        for i in get_warehouse[0]:
            sheet.write(4, p_col_no1, 'Available', format21)
            sheet.write(4, p_col_no1 + 1, 'Virtual', format21)
            sheet.write(4, p_col_no1 + 2, 'Incoming', format21)
            sheet.write(4, p_col_no1 + 3, 'Outgoing', format21)
            sheet.merge_range(4, p_col_no1 + 4, 4, p_col_no1 + 5, 'Net On Hand', format21)
            sheet.merge_range(4, p_col_no1 + 6, 4, p_col_no1 + 7, 'Total Sold', format21)
            sheet.merge_range(4, p_col_no1 + 8, 4, p_col_no1 + 9, 'Total Purchased', format21)
            sheet.write(4, p_col_no1 + 10, 'Valuation', format21)
            p_col_no1 = p_col_no1 + 11
        prod_row = 5
        prod_col = 0
        for i in get_warehouse[1]:
            get_line = self.get_lines(data, i)
            for each in get_line:
                sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col, each['sku'], font_size_8)
                sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 1, prod_row, prod_col + 3, each['name'], font_size_8)
                sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 4, prod_row, prod_col + 5, each['category'], font_size_8)
                sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 6, each['cost_price'], font_size_8)
                prod_row = prod_row + 1
        prod_row = 5
        prod_col = 7
        for i in get_warehouse[1]:
            get_line = self.get_lines(data, i)
            for each in get_line:
                if each['available'] < 0:
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col, each['available'], red_mark)
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col, each['available'], font_size_8)
                if each['virtual'] < 0:
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 1, each['virtual'], red_mark)
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 1, each['virtual'], font_size_8)
                if each['incoming'] < 0:
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 2, each['incoming'], red_mark)
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 2, each['incoming'], font_size_8)
                if each['outgoing'] < 0:
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 3, each['outgoing'], red_mark)
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 3, each['outgoing'], font_size_8)
                if each['net_on_hand'] < 0:
                    sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 4, prod_row, prod_col + 5, each['net_on_hand'], red_mark)
                    sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 4, prod_row, prod_col + 5, each['net_on_hand'], font_size_8)
                if each['sale_value'] < 0:
                    sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 6, prod_row, prod_col + 7, each['sale_value'], red_mark)
                    sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 6, prod_row, prod_col + 7, each['sale_value'], font_size_8)
                if each['purchase_value'] < 0:
                    sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 8, prod_row, prod_col + 9, each['purchase_value'], red_mark)
                    sheet.merge_range(prod_row, prod_col + 8, prod_row, prod_col + 9, each['purchase_value'], font_size_8)
                if each['total_value'] < 0:
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 10, each['total_value'], red_mark)
                    sheet.write(prod_row, prod_col + 10, each['total_value'], font_size_8)
                prod_row = prod_row + 1
            prod_row = 5
            prod_col = prod_col + 11

StockReportXls('report.export_stockinfo_xls.stock_report_xls.xlsx', 'product.product')
asked by carr 26.06.2018 в 23:25

0 answers