It is as it says the title, in my PDF I make three queries and two of them do not show them, I do not see anything but does not show any error, the queries that show nothing are records 1 and records 2. I do not understand because this happens so I come to your help. I leave the code in question:
if (isset($_COOKIE["id_cliente"])) {
if (isset($_SESSION["id_cliente"]) && isset($_GET["pedido"])) {
$registros1=mysqli_query($conexion,"SELECT pedido,producto,cantidad,precio_producto FROM pedidos WHERE pedido='$_GET[pedido]'");
$registros2=mysqli_query($conexion,"SELECT * FROM pedidos2 WHERE pedido='$_GET[pedido]'");
$registros3=mysqli_query($conexion,"SELECT nombre,apellido,direccion,codigoPostal,provincia FROM clientes WHERE id_cliente='$_SESSION[id_cliente]'");
$pdf=new FPDF("P","pt","A4");
$pdf->Cell(280,13,utf8_encode($fila3["nombre"])." ".utf8_encode($fila3["apellido"]),0,0,"L");
$pdf->Cell(95,13,"Numero Factura:",0,0,"L");
while ($fila1=mysqli_fetch_array($registros1)) {