Error uploading my web (composer)


I created my website around composer. In my localhost (using xampp) it works perfectly, but when I upload it to my hosting (with the vendor and other files that composer creates) I get the following error that I can not solve.

According to the error, it does not find the controller, but that controller is created and in the place it should be.



Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Class App \ Controllers \ IndexController does not exist in /usr/home/ Stack trace: # 0 /usr/home/ ReflectionClass-> construct ('App \ Controllers ...') # 1 / usr / home / / web / defuse / public / index.php (52): Phroute \ Phroute \ RouteCollector-> controller ('/', 'App \ Controllers ...') # 2 {main} thrown in /usr/home/ on line 315 '


public function controller($route, $classname, array $filters = [])
    $reflection = new ReflectionClass($classname); /*Marca el error en esta linea*/

    $validMethods = $this->getValidMethods();

    $sep = $route === '/' ? '' : '/';

    foreach($reflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method)
        foreach($validMethods as $valid)
            if(stripos($method->name, $valid) === 0)
                $methodName = $this->camelCaseToDashed(substr($method->name, strlen($valid)));

                $params = $this->buildControllerParameters($method);

                if($methodName === self::DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_ROUTE)
                    $this->addRoute($valid, $route . $params, [$classname, $method->name], $filters);

                $this->addRoute($valid, $route . $sep . $methodName . $params, [$classname, $method->name], $filters);

asked by A.j.Romero 26.06.2018 в 17:54

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