Detect date change using datetime


I'm looking for a way to make an "Automatic Money Adder"; for example; I get up one day, I turn on the pc and automatically add $ 10 to a file. My problem is part of a code to determine that today is not the same as yesterday and do not add it every time you open it if not to detect that today has not added money. Therefore I have this function code that does not compile me:

from datetime import *
def checkIfSaving():
    today =
    alreadyStored = False
    in_file = open("checktime.txt", "rt") ; contents = ;ct = contents
    if contents != today:
        addMoney() ; alreadyStored = True
        f.write(today) ; f.close()

Only for this part of the code the program can not compile. As you see what is written with if contents != today: I try to make you add the money if it is not today ... The way I use to detect if today is not the same day of yesterday is detecting the date, if it is different then you will not need to change it And if you change it ag

asked by Christian D'Albano 24.06.2018 в 07:24

1 answer


The first error is that does not exist as you are importing. Most importantly, do not mind using wildcard ( * ) never except for a handful of cases where it's justified, it's a bad practice. It reduces the legibility of the code (favoring errors like this among other things), populates the main namespace without any need and can cause conflicts with identifiers of the main namespace causing its masking and the consequent errors, sometimes silent.

If you import using import datetime you can call the method today of the class date of the module datetime without problems using . If you import how you do (not recommended) or by from datetime import date it should be .

On the other hand, returns an object not a chain, you can not do f.write(today) directly, in any case you must make an explicit casting before str .

On the other hand, I do not know very well what you expect with the variable alreadyStored , it's a local variable but you do not use it at any time for anything in the function, apart from assigning value to it. If it is a global variable, as you do it you will not modify it globally (the change is not reflected outside the function), you must indicate that it is treated as global before assigning it the value within the function with global alreadyStored . As you do, even if the variable is defined globally, assigning a value creates a new local variable with the same name and the global variable is not modified. It generally avoids the use of global variables, it is better that the function returns True or False than having it modify a global variable, common source of errors and loss of code readability.

Without considering alreadyStored given that I do not know what function it has in your code, everything could look like this:

import datetime

def check_if_saving():
    today = str(
    with open("checktime.txt", "r+") as f:
        last_date =

        if last_date != today:

Only the file is opened once and the context manager is used via with which is responsible for closing the file automatically when the execution of its code block ends.

I recommend looking at the style conventions of the Python code defined in PEP-8, the readability of the code is a very important aspect in Python:

answered by 24.06.2018 в 10:10