Match items in a List of Objects


I do not know if the title is the most appropriate. I have an object that is a List of Objects (extracted from a BBDD using JPA) which contains 3 objects that in turn are Lists; 2 of type String and 1 of type Double. To try to be more exact, they would be code (String) volume (Double) and timestamp (String)

I control the structure, the position of each element is the correct one (the code of position 0 has volume of position 0 and timestamp of position 0)

What I can not find is how, starting from the code, to get its volume and / or its timestamp. I have searched for hours, maybe not with the correct terms, but I have not found anything

Any help is appreciated

Thank you!

EDIT: The only thing I have is a JPA query with a method which returns 3 columns of a table, and stores them in an object which I have built as is:

public class Calculo {

private String code ;
private Double volume;
private String update_timestamp;

The remaining code would be something like this

Calculo listaObjetos = claseDondeEstanLasQuerys.metodoQueTieneUnaQuery(param1, param2)

Where code is a List of Strings, volume a Doubles List and update_timestamp another String List

So, to be exact, knowing an update_timestamp, and knowing the code, remove the volume that has that code in that update_timestamp, remove it as an object or int or whatever to perform operations with it. I hope I was explicit

Thanks for the answers!

asked by SeekanDestroy 21.06.2018 в 14:43

0 answers