I have the localhost on a server in CentOS, and I can access it with my computer in the same network, but I would like to know how I can configure it to access it from another computer in a different network.
I have the localhost on a server in CentOS, and I can access it with my computer in the same network, but I would like to know how I can configure it to access it from another computer in a different network.
Yes, you have not yet installed SSH, do it.
sudo yum install openssh-server clients.
After installing it, you configure it in / etc / ssh / sshd_config so that they do not access it by the root user and if you want there you can change the port.
then you just start the service
systemctl start sshd.service
Already with that, you can connect from another computer with ssh or putty from windows.
I hope it is that, if you could not detail a little more the question.