Good day, I have a problem and I would like someone to help me. I have a database in which I am trying to insert in the table dig_item, but this has two foreign keys from the tables dig_pagina and dig_hritem, what I need is to insert as such the value of those foreign keys in their respective fields in the table dig_item, I know how to do any insert and I think this can be with insert into select, but when inserting the value of the foreign keys I have no idea how to do it:
String SSQL = "(INSERT INTO dig_item "
+ "(ItemID,"
+ "HrItem,"
+ "PaginaID,"
+ "OpcionLeida,"
+ "TextoLeido,"
+ "NumeroLeido,"
+ "ConjuntoLeido))"
+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,)";