Consume SOAP with another REST service (Asp.Net Core 2.0)


This is my first post in Stack Español (SoEsp)

This is my interface and classes of my soap service


public interface IOptOutService
   void PostOptOut(OptOutEntity cliente);

e a classe

public class OptOutService : IOptOutService
    public void PostOptOut(OptOutEntity cliente)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

here is my Model

public class OptOutEntity
    public Int64 Cpf { get; set; }
    public String Email { get; set; }
    public String Telefone { get; set; }
    public String Bandeira { get; set; }
    public String Canal { get; set; }

    public OptOutEntity(Int64 cpf, string email, string telefone, string bandeira, string canal)
       Cpf = cpf;
       Email = email;
       Telefone = telefone;
       Bandeira = bandeira;
       Canal = canal;

Well, below this is my controller that is in the REST service

public OptOutCliente Unsubscribe([FromBody]OptOutCliente cliente)
  if (cliente == null)
    throw new OptOutException("Informar os dados do cliente OptOut!");

  BasicHttpBinding httpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding();
  EndpointAddress wsUrl = new 

  //ServicoWSClient soapClient = new ServicoWSClient(httpBinding, wsUrl);

  return cliente;

Or what I want is that with this REST I can consume a soap service and fill the client parameter with the data of the REST service that is in the variable client

asked by pnet 22.06.2018 в 15:31

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