How to list Json data with Httpurlconnection in Android studio


I have my web service Rest and I need to put the json in my android application, for which I am doing it in ANDROID STUDIO and put it in a recycler view with cardview.

"data": [
"not_idnot": 1,
"not_idadmin": "A0001",
"not_autor": "Andrea Carrión",
"not_titulo": "¿Que hacer con las pulgas?",
"not_subtitulo": "mascotas con pulgas",
"not_articulo": "Cuando el perro no logra superar la amenaza y se sigue sintiendo acorralado, lo más probable es que suba un escalón más...",
"not_image": "",
"not_datecreated": "14-06-2018 10:52:21",
"not_estado": "A"

I would appreciate your help.

asked by jeanD 16.06.2018 в 09:04

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