when I install admob free on ionic it does not run. play service error.
do not create apk no ionic cordova run andorid.
$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admob-free
$ npm install --save @ionic-native/admob-free
import { AdMobFree, AdMobFreeBannerConfig } from '@ionic-native/admob-free';
constructor(private admobFree: AdMobFree) { }
const bannerConfig: AdMobFreeBannerConfig = {
// add your config here
// for the sake of this example we will just use the test config
isTesting: true,
autoShow: true
.then(() => {
// banner Ad is ready
// if we set autoShow to false, then we will need to call the show method here
.catch(e => console.log(e));