I am commenting I am working with hibernate, then I show an entity product of the mapping:
public class Usuario implements java.io.Serializable {
private String idUsuario;
private Trabajador trabajador; //one to one
private String usu;
private byte[] clave;
private boolean estado;
private boolean acceder;
private Set<Acceso> accesos = new HashSet<Acceso>(0); //one to many
public Usuario() {
public Usuario(Trabajador trabajador, String usu, byte[] clave, boolean estado, boolean acceder) {
this.trabajador = trabajador;
this.usu = usu;
this.clave = clave;
this.estado = estado;
this.acceder = acceder;
public Usuario(Trabajador trabajador, String usu, byte[] clave, boolean estado, boolean acceder, Set<Acceso> accesos) {
this.trabajador = trabajador;
this.usu = usu;
this.clave = clave;
this.estado = estado;
this.acceder = acceder;
this.accesos = accesos;
@GenericGenerator(name = "generator", strategy = "foreign", parameters = @Parameter(name = "property", value = "trabajador"))
@GeneratedValue(generator = "generator")
@Column(name = "ID_USUARIO", unique = true, nullable = false, length = 15)
public String getIdUsuario() {
return this.idUsuario;
public void setIdUsuario(String idUsuario) {
this.idUsuario = idUsuario;
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public Trabajador getTrabajador() {
return this.trabajador;
public void setTrabajador(Trabajador trabajador) {
this.trabajador = trabajador;
@Column(name = "USU", nullable = false, length = 12)
public String getUsu() {
return this.usu;
public void setUsu(String usu) {
this.usu = usu;
@Column(name = "CLAVE", nullable = false)
@ColumnTransformer(write = "ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('frase',?)", read = "DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('frase',CLAVE)")
public byte[] getClave() {
return this.clave;
public void setClave(byte[] clave) {
this.clave = clave;
@Column(name = "ESTADO", nullable = false)
public boolean isEstado() {
return this.estado;
public void setEstado(boolean estado) {
this.estado = estado;
@Column(name = "ACCEDER", nullable = false)
public boolean isAcceder() {
return this.acceder;
public void setAcceder(boolean acceder) {
this.acceder = acceder;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "usuario")
public Set<Acceso> getAccesos() {
return this.accesos;
public void setAccesos(Set<Acceso> accesos) {
this.accesos = accesos;
Before using hibernate, I passed my pojos to json and it worked fine now that I use hibernate to map the tables I get different errors.
Servlet.service() for servlet CLogin threw exception
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Attempted to serialize java.lang.Class: org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy. Forgot to register a type adapter?
at com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$1.write(TypeAdapters.java:64)
at com.google.gson.internal.bind.TypeAdapters$1.write(TypeAdapters.java:61)
add the class
public class HibernateProxyTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<HibernateProxy> {
public static final TypeAdapterFactory FACTORY = new TypeAdapterFactory() {
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) {
return (HibernateProxy.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())
? (TypeAdapter<T>) new HibernateProxyTypeAdapter(gson) : null);
private final Gson context;
HibernateProxyTypeAdapter(Gson context) {
this.context = context;
public HibernateProxy read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public void write(JsonWriter out, HibernateProxy value) throws IOException {
if (value == null) {
// Retrieve the original (not proxy) class
Class<?> baseType = Hibernate.getClass(value);
// Get the TypeAdapter of the original class, to delegate the serialization
TypeAdapter delegate = context.getAdapter(TypeToken.get(baseType));
// Get a filled instance of the original class
Object unproxiedValue = ((HibernateProxy) value).getHibernateLazyInitializer().getImplementation();
// Serialize the value
delegate.write(out, unproxiedValue);
adding my gson
new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(HibernateProxyTypeAdapter.FACTORY);
and when using gson:
I got the following error:
Servlet.service() for servlet CLogin threw exception
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:164)
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.getImplementation(AbstractLazyInitializer.java:285)
initialize each entity
but I still get error:
Servlet.service() for servlet CLogin threw exception
org.hibernate.HibernateException: collection is not associated with any session
at org.hibernate.collection.internal.AbstractPersistentCollection.forceInitialization(AbstractPersistentCollection.java:663)
at org.hibernate.Hibernate.initialize(Hibernate.java:78)
I have already googled but I can not find the solution, what can I do?