I am using Kendo UI to generate a report in ASP.net the problem is that I am trying to show a multiselect and it does not work for me, eh tried with many ways to show it on the script that contains the template, eh used Viewbags and Dictionary trallendome the information of the BD and trying to show it in the view but none works since kendo gives me an error by not being able to convert the accents "í" or "ñ"
It always shows me this error, the weird thing is that I write a normal select with option and the value I put it with accent or ñ myself and if it works. but to bring it dynamically with Viewbag or Dictionary shows me the following error.
Uncaught Error: Invalid template: '
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" ; charset="ISO-8859-1" /> <div class="toolbar"> <div> <input placeholder="Fecha Inicio" type="date" style="margin-left:5px;" id="FechaInicio" /> - <input placeholder="Fecha Fin" type="date" style="margin-left:5px;" id="FechaFin" /> <select id="Turno"> <option value="">Turno</option> <option value="D">Día</option> <option value="N">Noche</option> </select> <select> <option value=""> Afilado Herramienta </option> <option value=""> Ajuste de Programa </option> <option value=""> Ajuste Montaje </option> <option value=""> Ajuste Programa Montaje </option> <option value=""> Alarma </option> <option value=""> Auditoria </option> <option value=""> Blah 1 </option> <option value=""> Blah 2 </option> <option value=""> Blah 3 </option> <option value=""> Calentamiento CNC </option> <option value=""> Cambio De Ítem </option> <option value=""> Cambio de ítem - Afilado </option> <option value=""> Cambio Filtro </option> <option value=""> Cambio Item </option> <option value=""> Cambio Soluble </option> <option value=""> Capacitacion </option> <option value=""> Convencional </option> <option value=""> Defecto Fundicion </option> <option value=""> Defecto Maquinado </option> <option value=""> Falta Casting </option> <option value=""> Falta Operador </option> <option value=""> Feed Hold </option> <option value=""> Intercambio de Mesas </option> <option value=""> Libre </option> <option value=""> Limpieza de Operador </option> <option value=""> Llenado Vaciado Montajes </option> <option value=""> Llenado Vaciado Montajes </option> <option value=""> Mantenimiento Correctivo </option> <option value=""> Mantenimiento Preventivo </option> <option value=""> Máquina No Necesaria </option> <option value=""> Maquinando </option> <option value=""> Medición Pieza </option> <option value=""> Paro de Emergencia </option> <option value=""> PPAP </option> <option value=""> Propuesta Mejora </option> <option value=""> Propuesta Mejora </option> <option value=""> Puesta Punto </option> <option value=""> Receso de Operador </option> <option value=""> Retrabajo Piezas </option> <option value=""> Retrabajo Piezas </option> <option value=""> Revision Material Herramienta </option> <option value=""> Revisión por Mantenimiento a petición de Producción </option> <option value=""> Señales No configuradas </option> <option value=""> Servicios Generales </option> <option value=""> Solicitud Prueba </option> <option value=""> Stand By </option> </select> <button id="btnBuscar"> Buscar</button> <a style="float:right" class="k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-excel" href="\#"><span class="k-icon k-i-excel"></span></a> <a style="float:right" class="k-button k-button-icontext k-grid-pdf" href="\#"><span class="k-icon k-i-pdf"></span></a> </div> </div
'Generated code:' var $ kendoOutput, $ kendoHtmlEncode = kendo.htmlEncode; with (data) {$ kendoOutput = '\ n \ n \ n \ n - \ n \ n Turn \ n
Day \ n Night \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n
\ n \ n \ n \ n \ n Sharpening Tool \ n Program Adjustment \ n Adjustment Assembly \ n Adjustment Assembly Program \ n Alarm \ n Audit \ n Blah 1 \ n
Blah 2 \ n Blah 3 \ n CNC heating \ n Change Of & '; 205; tem Changing &; $ kendoOutput + = '237; tem - Sharpening \ n
Change Filter \ n Change Item \ n Soluble Change \ n Training \ n Conventional \ n Defect Founding \ n Defect Machining \ n Missing Casting \ n Missing Operator \ n Feed Hold \ n Exchange of Tables \ n Free \ n
Operator Cleaning \ n
Filling Pouring Mounts \ n
Filling Pouring Mounts \ n
Corrective Maintenance \ n
Preventive Maintenance \ n
M & '; 225; Machine Not Necessary Machining Medici &; $ $ kendoOutput + = '243; n Piece \ n Stop Emergency \ n PPAP \ n Improvement Proposal \ n Improvement Proposal \ n Putting point \ n Operator Break \ n Rework Parts \ n Rework Parts \ n Material Revision Tool \ n Revise & '; 243; n Per Maintenance at request & ;; $ kendoOutput + =' 243; n Production & '; 243; n Se & ;; $ kendoOutput + = '241; Not Configured \ n General Services \ n Test Request \ n Stand By \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n
Search \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n ';} return $ kendoOutput;' at Object.compile (kendo.all.js: 198) at Object.d [as template] (jquery.min.js: 2) at Object.success (ReportParos: 1041) at i (jquery.min.js: 2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js: 2) at y (jquery.min.js: 4) at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.min.js: 4)