Good evening I make a form that works as a computer equipment log, in my BD I have null fields (I have no problem with the insertion).
The problem I have is that in mi modulo de consultas
I do not see those records if there are null fields and I need to show them in my form regardless of whether or not there are null fields since I need to visualize all the records that have been stored, I want to think that it is by the Inner Join (since I have fields in foreign tables) since before putting it if I visualized all the records.
Structure of my table
id_prestamo PK
id_usuario FK
id_departamento FK
id_entrega FK
fecha2 NULL
hora2 NULL
id_ingeniero FK NULL
id_recepcion FK NULL
Code of the Consultation Module
//$sql=("SELECT * FROM prestamo order by id_prestamo");
$sql=("SELECT ps.id_prestamo, ps.fecha1, ps.hora1, ps.descripcion, usr.nombre, dep.descripcion, ent.descripcion, ps.fecha2, ps.hora2, ing.descripcion, rcp.descripcion
FROM prestamo ps
INNER JOIN usuarios usr ON usr.id_usuario = ps.id_usuario
INNER JOIN departamento dep ON dep.id_departamento = ps.id_departamento
INNER JOIN entrega ent ON ent.id_entrega = ps.id_entrega
INNER JOIN ingeniero ing ON ing.id_ingeniero = ps.id_ingeniero
INNER JOIN recepcion rcp ON rcp.id_recepcion = ps.id_recepcion order by id_prestamo");
//la variable $mysqli viene de connect_db que lo traigo con el require("connect_db.php");
echo "<table border='2'; class='table table-hover';>";
echo "<tr class='warning'>";
echo "<td>ID del Equipo</td>";
echo "<td>Fecha de Inicio</td>";
echo "<td>Hora Inicio</td>";
echo "<td>Descripción</td>";
echo "<td>Usuario</td>";
echo "<td>Departamento</td>";
echo "<td>Estatus Entrega</td>";
echo "<td>Fecha de Entrega</td>";
echo "<td>Hora Fin</td>";
echo "<td>Ingeniero</td>";
echo "<td>Estatus Recepción</td>";
echo "<td>Editar </td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr class='success'>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[0]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[1]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[2]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[3]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[4]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[5]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[6]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[7]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[8]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[9]</td>";
echo "<td>$arreglo[10]</td>";
echo "<td><a href='actualizar_prestamo.php?id_prestamo=$arreglo[0]'><img src='images/actualizar.gif' class='img-rounded'></td>";
echo "</tr>";