Create the url waiting for the image but in the request I do not get something that I can read. View:
<div class="row" id="form38">
<div class="col">
<textarea class="selector" id="my_editor" name="reportage" id="ckeditor" required></textarea>
var APP_URL = {!!json_encode(url('/'))!!};
$(function() {
requestWithCORS: false,
imageUploadParams: {id: 'my_editor'},
imageMove: true,
imageUpload: true,
imageUploadURL: '/imagenes_editor',
imageUploadMethod: 'GET',
imageUploadRemoteUrls: true,
imageUploadParam: 'Imagen',
imageAllowedTypes: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png']
.on('froalaEditor.image.beforeUpload', function (e, editor, images) {
}).on('froalaEditor.image.uploaded', function (e, editor, response) {
I'm placing the punctual code lines. controller:
public function subirimagen(Request $request)
$image = $request->file('Imagen');
$destination = 'uploads/notes/';
if (!empty($image)) {
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
$image->move($destination, $filename);
return response()->json(["link"=>$destination.$filename],200);
$filename = '';
return response()->json(["link"=>'joel'],200);
and the route you create to wait for the image is:
Route::get('/imagenes_editor', ['as'=>'imagenes_editor','uses'=>'NotesController@subirimagen']);
I print the request:
Request {#42
#json: null
#convertedFiles: null
#userResolver: Closure {#195
class: "Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider"
this: AuthServiceProvider {#41 …}
parameters: {
$guard: {
default: null
use: {
$app: Application {#2 …}
file: "/run/media/joel/8e19e26e-44c4-4d87-b32f-11b5fc61cf4b/guillermo/boda/bodas/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Auth/AuthServiceProvider.php"
line: "85 to 87"
#routeResolver: Closure {#197
class: "Illuminate\Routing\Router"
this: Router {#25 …}
use: {
$route: Route {#161 …}
file: "/run/media/joel/8e19e26e-44c4-4d87-b32f-11b5fc61cf4b/guillermo/boda/bodas/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php"
line: "628 to 630"
+attributes: ParameterBag {#44
#parameters: []
+request: ParameterBag {#50
#parameters: []
+query: ParameterBag {#50}
+server: ServerBag {#46
#parameters: array:23 [
"DOCUMENT_ROOT" => "/run/media/joel/8e19e26e-44c4-4d87-b32f-11b5fc61cf4b/guillermo/boda/bodas/public"
"REMOTE_PORT" => "53998"
"SERVER_SOFTWARE" => "PHP 7.0.25 Development Server"
"SERVER_PORT" => "8000"
"REQUEST_URI" => "/imagenes_editor"
"SCRIPT_NAME" => "/index.php"
"SCRIPT_FILENAME" => "/run/media/joel/8e19e26e-44c4-4d87-b32f-11b5fc61cf4b/guillermo/boda/bodas/public/index.php"
"PATH_INFO" => "/imagenes_editor"
"PHP_SELF" => "/index.php/imagenes_editor"
"HTTP_HOST" => "localhost:8000"
"HTTP_CONNECTION" => "keep-alive"
"HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/42.0.2393.94"
"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "*/*"
"HTTP_REFERER" => "http://localhost:8000/administrate/notes/create"
"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => "gzip, deflate, lzma, sdch, br"
"HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" => "es-419,es;q=0.8"
"REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT" => 1528469837.3577
"REQUEST_TIME" => 1528469837
+files: FileBag {#47
#parameters: []
+cookies: ParameterBag {#45
#parameters: array:2 [
"XSRF-TOKEN" => "yGSX4c9bIMY0LYxCgIUFlSXfdiRoLxKF6entSyPp"
"laravel_session" => "VwrAd18B7WZg3mTjRhvaoYe47Uo87cFpWHLSshB7"
+headers: HeaderBag {#48
#headers: array:8 [
"host" => array:1 [
0 => "localhost:8000"
"connection" => array:1 [
0 => "keep-alive"
"user-agent" => array:1 [
0 => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/42.0.2393.94"
"accept" => array:1 [
0 => "*/*"
"referer" => array:1 [
0 => "http://localhost:8000/administrate/notes/create"
"accept-encoding" => array:1 [
0 => "gzip, deflate, lzma, sdch, br"
"accept-language" => array:1 [
0 => "es-419,es;q=0.8"
"cookie" => array:1 [
#cacheControl: []
#content: null
#languages: null
#charsets: null
#encodings: null
#acceptableContentTypes: null
#pathInfo: "/imagenes_editor"
#requestUri: "/imagenes_editor"
#baseUrl: ""
#basePath: null
#method: "GET"
#format: null
#session: Store {#265
#id: "VwrAd18B7WZg3mTjRhvaoYe47Uo87cFpWHLSshB7"
#name: "laravel_session"
#attributes: array:4 [
"_token" => "yGSX4c9bIMY0LYxCgIUFlSXfdiRoLxKF6entSyPp"
"_previous" => array:1 [
"url" => "http://localhost:8000/imagenes_editor"
"_flash" => array:2 [
"old" => []
"new" => []
"login_web_59ba36addc2b2f9401580f014c7f58ea4e30989d" => 3
#handler: FileSessionHandler {#266
#files: Filesystem {#94}
#path: "/run/media/joel/8e19e26e-44c4-4d87-b32f-11b5fc61cf4b/guillermo/boda/bodas/storage/framework/sessions"
#minutes: "120"
#started: true
#locale: null
#defaultLocale: "en"
-isHostValid: true
-isForwardedValid: true
basePath: ""
format: "html"
then I do not know how to capture