Of 9 sensors that I have assets circulating in the arduino, 3 give problems. Help!


I said sensors, but they are 8 sensors and 1 external clock module. That title would have been very long!

I am creating a module that is detecting the different components of my garden (temperature, oxygen, etc). The values are sent by the serial monitor and an LCD. That's all I want to achieve, for the meantime.

I have 7 sensors working, but 2 fail each one in its own way.

1) ultrasound HC-SR04 link

This sensor writes the result it gets on top of the "round" value on the lcd. why? apart you do not want to give the length, just return 0 or a random number.

2) External clock module DS1302 link

The clock also does not keep the time. It does not display anything on the serial monitor, and on the LCD it only displays:    65-1    (unknown day) 2165-    27: 165: 85

Here is the code (as IDE arduino needs to have all the code to execute in the same file, this makes it very big to put it here)


I also include the schematic, in case it is useful:


some sensors are not the exact model, but since they are not found in fritzing we are going to pretend that if they are those models:)

Thanks for your time!

asked by ayy_chemixd 07.06.2018 в 02:42

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