I have searched everywhere but the more I search the more confused and I do not understand how to install everything necessary to use the mysql xdevapi in PHP, can someone guide me?
I am reading this manual link and the download link I do not know if it's wrong or because it takes me to link instead of link that I think is the correct link.
I use Windows 10 64 bits and I have Apache installed (httpd-2.4.33-win64-VC15), PHP7 (php-7.2.6-Win32-VC15-x64) and Mysql8 (mysql-installer-community- ), everything is well configured.
Of all what I read what I did not understand well is whether to add php extensions in Windows you have to install PECL, and I did not find any information on how to install PECL or PEAR in Windows, actually here link says that you just have to execute the file X: \ php \ go-pear.bat but it seems to be old because I do not have that file.
I also see that additional libraries are needed: Boost, OpenSSL, and Protobuf.
Anyway, I hope someone can take my doubts, thanks.