this is my php code:
require_once "conexion.php";
$n= isset($_POST['nombre']) ? $_POST['nombre'] : null ;
$sql="SELECT id_habitacion, numero, nombre_categoria, estado_habitacion
FROM habitaciones WHERE nombre_categoria LIKE '$n'";
$result=mysqli_query($conexion, $sql);
<div class="boton">
<a href="#ventana3" data-toggle="modal"><img src="cama1.png" width="150px" height="150px" onclick="Editar('<?php echo $id?>')"></a>
it turns out that a variable ($ n) arrives where it meets the query sql (where category_name LIKE '$ n'), it should show me a "list" with all the data that contain that specific name, the problem is that placing it like this does not show anything on the page, but if I put an inspect in the console section it shows me the code:
<div class="boton">
<a href="#ventana3" data-toggle="modal"><img src="cama1.png"
width="150px" height="150px" onclick="Editar('<?php echo $id?>')"></a>
but the screen does not show me the image, the point is that if I change the where category_name LIKE '$ n' by where category_name LIKE 'Premium', if I show the images.
Corroborate the data sent, up to the sql statement and this correct arrives the corresponding value but does not show anything, any suggestions?
This photo shows what I want by placing it where "Premium": link
and this picture what I do if I put the where with parameter "$ n":