As I understand the Arduino Ethernet Shield when used with the Ethernet and SPI libraries, due to the latter uses the ICSP pins of the Arduino to communicate the latter with the W5100 chip and micro SD card. I am using the Mega2560 R3, therefore, as I understand it, the ICSP pins correspond to the digital pins 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Arduino. My problem is that I can not connect the Ethernet module directly on the Arduino, since between the latter and the Ethernet module I have to place a Prototype Shield (a plate that I have soldered), which prevents the connection of the ICSP pins of the Ethernet module and the Arduino. Therefore, my question is this:
Is there any way to configure the communication between the Arduino and the W5100 chip / micro SD card to be established by other pins? For example, I could directly use pins 10, 11, 12 and 13, which, obviously, are free because they can not be used since they correspond to the ICSP pins of the Arduino.