Let's focus on the centerpiece of your algorithm:
cout << "Ingrese la letra: ";
cin >> letra;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (letra != vector[i]) {
vector[i] = letra;
else {
cout << "Esta letra ya ha sido ingrasada " << endl;
1st mistake
Imagine that it is the first letter that is entered ... the algorithm will compare it with the 20 positions that the array has ... And what is there in those positions of the array? since you have not initialized it, trash ... so one possibility could be:
Notice that in the last positions there is a a
So the algorithm will tell you that the letter is repeated even though it is the first letter that is entered ...
The solution to this problem is as simple as initializing vector
before entering a word:
Or you can also initialize the vector when declaring it:
char vector[TamVector] = {'const int TamVector = 20;
char vector[TamVector];
// ...
for( int i=0; i<TamVector; i++ )
// ...
Although I personally do not really like having that 20
swarming through the code ... if then I have to change the size of the array I have to look for that 20
throughout the code to avoid errors. It would be better to have something like this:
const int TamVector = 20;
int main()
char vector[TamVector] = {'if (letra != vector[i]) {
vector[i] = letra; // <<---
noRepetir(vector, TamVector);
void noRepetir(char *vector, int tamVector)
// ...
2nd mistake
and I re-enter it should appear to me that it has already been entered but I can not do it ...
If you notice, you will see that vector
is a local variable of noRepetir
. What noRepetir
does is read a single letter and look for it in vector
, after which it returns control to main
. When this happens the content of vector
is lost, since the variable is destroyed ... Since the idea is that the array is somewhat more persistent maybe you should declare it in main
This will ensure that the information you store in vector
is persistent between calls to noRepetir
... but the program will still not work ...
... and the reason is the line that I highlight:
Why is that line problematic?
Let's see ... the user enters a letter and the algorithm compares it with the 20 positions of vector
. If the letter is not equal to the one stored in the vector ... it overwrites the letter stored in the vector with the letter that the user has entered.
That is, if we assume that you initialize vector
and that it is the first letter that the user enters, after calling noRepetir
the vector will remain this way (suppose the user enters a
int i; // Ahora es necesario que 'i' esté fuera del bucle
bool unica = true;
// Primero comprobamos que la letra no se ha introducido aun
for( i=0; i<tamVector && vector[i] != '#include <iostream>
void noRepetir(char * vector, int tamVector);
int main()
int const TamVector = 20;
char vector[TamVector] = {'cout << "Ingrese la letra: ";
cin >> letra;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (letra != vector[i]) {
vector[i] = letra;
else {
cout << "Esta letra ya ha sido ingrasada " << endl;
int opc = 0;
do {
std::cout << "Ingresar otro dato? (1 = Si | 0 = No) ";
std::cin >> opc;
} while (opc == 1);
void noRepetir(char * vector, int tamVector)
char letra;
std::cout << "Ingrese la letra: ";
std::cin >> letra;
int i;
bool unica = true;
for( i=0; i<tamVector && vector[i] != 'df!f20y43%_SD435?a.{
' && unica; i++ )
unica = (vector[i] != letra);
if( unica )
if( i < tamVector )
vector[i] = letra;
std::cout << "Esta letra ya ha sido ingrasada\n";
' && unica; i++ )
unica = (vector[i] == letra);
// Y despues, si no esta repetida, la añadimos al array
if( unica )
if( i < tamVector ) // Importante para no escribir fuera del array
vector[i] = letra; // antes de esta linea vector[i]=='df!f20y43%_SD435?a.{
std::cout << "Esta letra ya ha sido ingrasada\n";
If you then enter a x
Seen the seen it does not seem a good idea that the algorithm crushes vector
positions so lightly.
What you have to do is modify the loop so that it iterates from 0 until it finds a position of the uninitialized vector vector[i]=='vector
and, if the letter entered by the user is not found in %code% , add it only in the first available position. Something like this:
char vector[TamVector] = {'const int TamVector = 20;
char vector[TamVector];
// ...
for( int i=0; i<TamVector; i++ )
// ...
The program, with the corresponding corrections:
const int TamVector = 20;
int main()
char vector[TamVector] = {'if (letra != vector[i]) {
vector[i] = letra; // <<---
noRepetir(vector, TamVector);
void noRepetir(char *vector, int tamVector)
// ...