My problem is that when creating the pdf the table where I create it shows me the cut data
As you can see in the image in services performed, it shows me the correlative data and I want you to show them one separated from the other one downwards
code extract that creates the table
function cabecera($cabecera){
foreach($cabecera as $columna)
$this->Cell(55,7,$columna,1, 2 , 'L' ) ;
function datos($datos){
foreach ($datos as $columna)
{ $this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['estado']),'TRB',2,'L' );
$this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['id']),'TRB',2,'L' );
$this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['nombre']),'TRB',2,'L' );
$this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['rut']),'TRB',2,'L' );
$this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['email']),'TRB',2,'L' );
$this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['phone']),'TRB',2,'L' );
$this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['mensaje']),'TRB',2,'L' );
$this->Cell(80,7,utf8_decode($columna['servicio']),'TRB',2,'L' );
//El método tabla integra a los métodos cabecera y datos
function tabla($cabecera,$datos){
$this->cabecera ($cabecera) ;
}//fin clase PDF
And with this code extract I extract them from my database to create the pdf
public function seleccionar_persona($id)
$q = "select id , nombre, rut,
email, phone,
direccion,mensaje,estado,servicio from contribuyente
id = '$id'";