I understand you I had these same doubts a short time ago and I give you a summary that is what I use every time I make a theme for wordpress:
Inside wordpress there is a folder called "wp-content" in it creates a folder with the name of your theme.
Now in your folder create 2 files for your new theme: index.php and style.css.
Inside style.css indicate the name of your topic and data between / * * /, something like:
Theme Name: Nombre de tema
Theme URI:
Author: Tu Nombre
Description: Descripción
Licence: GNU General Public Licence o Later
Tags: Tag
That's the basics to start a topic. Then there is a structure of WordPress better known as the hierarchy of topics that is jumping between files depending on how you think and call, here is information:
I also leave the loop:
Understanding the hierarchy of topics everything will be easier, going on to an example of how I work after creating the index.php as well as the style.css step to create:
header.php where I include the HTML5 header tags and with PHP:
<?php wp_head(); ?>
footer.php where I include the HTML5 footer tags and PHP:
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
index.php where I include the header and the footer:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
However, this does not mean that index.php will be the first page that WordPress will show.
When you create your first WordPress page from the administrator indicating that it is your homepage wordpress, you get the "start" slug and look for a file called front-page.php so you must create that file and get the content that you entered from the administrator, in the following way:
<?php while (have_posts()): the_post();// traigo el contenido de la página desde la BaseDeDatos
<?php the_title();?></h2> // el título que indicaste en el administrador
<?php the_content(); ?>// el contenido
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Of course you can include HTML5 tags for the format.
The topic hierarchy continues and if you are no longer on the homepage, look for the next file that is page.php which basically contains the same as front-page.php strong> with the difference that this loads the information from any other page that is not home or has the "start" slug.
Page.php is very important since it applies to all pages except the main or the start page.
This way you can create each of the pages you need from your administrator and take all the structure that you indicate in page.php but if a page is going to have another format different from the one indicated in page.php you can create a file with the name you need for example if the contact section will be different you have to create: "contact-page.php" and at the beginning indicate its name:
Template Name: Contacto Template
Make the loop as in page.php and add the structure you need differently to the other pages.
This is the most basic and what I do, at the beginning it is intimidating but little by little it becomes routine and you begin to make your widgets and plugins.
I recommend you look for tutorials on youtube or udemy, in particular I recommend: