We have a big problem when it comes to browsing the database and taking the data from firebase to ionic. We have a database structure in the following way:
"dato" : {
"dat01" : {
"descripcion" : "Desc",
"tem01" : true,
"tema" : "tem01",
"titulo" : "Titulo",
"urlAudio" : {
"aud1" : "Url1",
"aud2" : "Url2"
"dat02" : {
"descripcion" : "Desc",
"tem01" : true,
"tema" : "tem01",
"titulo" : "Titulo",
"urlAudio" : {
"aud1" : "Url1",
"aud2" : "Url2"
"dat03" : {
"descripcion" : "Desc",
"tem01" : true,
"tema" : "tem01",
"titulo" : "Titulo",
"urlAudio" : {
"aud1" : "Url1",
"aud2" : "Url2"
"tema" : {
"tem01" : {
"descripcionT" : "Descripcion",
"icono" : "https://url",
"dato" : {
"dat01" : true,
"dat02" : true
"tituloT" : "Titulo"
And in the code we access the data in the following way (in the constructor)
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,public actionSheetCtrl: ActionSheetController , public alertCtrl: AlertController, public afDatabase: AngularFireDatabase) {
this.temaRef = this.afDatabase.list('/tema');
this.temas= this.temaRef.snapshotChanges().map(changes => {
return changes.map(c => ({key: c.payload.key, ...c.payload.val() }));
I do not know how to deal with topics, for example, to save it in a Model Object to be able to work with it or traverse the data filtering by data contained in the topic. To be able to extract the data of a subject.
Any advice or help on the subject would be appreciated .. I do not find many examples with this type of structures