I am trying to find the id of a sale in order to update the detail table Sale. This when that sale has already been charged.
I have a function in this way, in the sale table it looks for and updates the id of the sale but in its detail it does not generate it. How can I find out the id of the sale to update the detail table?
public function cobrar(Request $request, $id)
$buscarPago = VentaUtp::findOrFail($id);
$actualizarDetalle = DB::table('alumnopagosdet')
->where('idAlumnoCxC', '=', $id)
$mytime = Carbon::now('America/Mexico_City');
$actualizarPago = DetalleVentaUtp::findOrFail($detalle);
$actualizarPago->fecha= $venta;
return Redirect::to('utp/venta');