Problem with dates vb6 and oracle


I have a report application developed in VB6 and Oracle 8 database. For needs that were arising, I was putting new fields and functions that complicated the query. The last one is that it was necessary to list by production date, being between 7:00:00 am of the day consulted and 06:59:00 next day (subsequent). That is, if I ask for a list dated 05/30/2018, I charge a listview with the data between 7:00:00 am on 05/30/2018 and 06:59:00 am on 05/31/2018 . As you will see in the code, it works correctly. What I need now, is that with the same query, write in the listview the date 05/30/2018, that is the production date, taking into account that the query can be several days, that is, it should be displayed in the listview each production day with the unified date. I hope the need is understood. Copy part of the code I use:

    If c_porfecha Then
        Dim cformato1 As String
        Dim cformato2 As String

        cformato1 = "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss a.m."
        cformato2 = "nls_date_language=american"

        fec1 = CStr(var_fecha1) & " 07:00:00 a.m."
        fec2 = DateAdd("d", 1, DTPicker2.value) & " 06:59:00 a.m."

        If cadenita <> "" Then
            cadenita = cadenita & "AND TS_CREACION BETWEEN TO_DATE('" & fec1 & "','" & cformato1 & "','" & cformato2 & "') " & _
                                  "AND TO_DATE('" & fec2 & "','" & cformato1 & "','" & cformato2 & "') "
            titulo_reporte = titulo_reporte & "desde el " & label1(3) & " hasta el " & label1(4)
            cadenita = cadenita & " TS_CREACION BETWEEN TO_DATE('" & fec1 & "','" & cformato1 & "','" & cformato2 & "') " & _
                                  "AND TO_DATE('" & fec2 & "','" & cformato1 & "','" & cformato2 & "') "

            titulo_reporte = titulo_reporte & "Todos los Registros desde el " & label1(3) & " hasta el " & label1(4)
        End If

        cformato1 = ""
        cformato2 = ""
        con_where = True
    End If

       Set RsListado = oradatabase.dbcreatedynaset(cadenita, 0&)

        If Not (RsListado.BOF And RsListado.EOF) = True Then
            a1 = RsListado.RecordCount
            ProgressBar1.Min = 0
            ProgressBar1.Max = a1

            For b1 = 1 To a1
                Label3 = Str(a1)
                ProgressBar1.value = b1
                label7 = CLng((ProgressBar1.value * 100) / ProgressBar1.Max) & " %"
                Set subelemento = LvDatos.ListItems.Add(, CStr(RsListado!id) & "M", CStr(RsListado!id))
                subelemento.SubItems(1) = CStr(RsListado!SECTOR)
                subelemento.SubItems(2) = CStr(RsListado!AREA)
                subelemento.SubItems(3) = CStr(RsListado!ISLA)
                subelemento.SubItems(4) = Format(CDate(RsListado!fecha), "dd/mm/yyyy")
                subelemento.SubItems(5) = Trae_Op(RsListado!OP)
            If btnProcesar.Enabled = False Then btnProcesar.Enabled = True
            Label3 = "0"
            MsgBox "No existen datos !", vbCritical
            If btnProcesar.Enabled = True Then btnProcesar.Enabled = false
        End If

    If titulo_reporte = "Reporte de " Then titulo_reporte = "Reporte de Todos los Registros"
    Set subelemento = Nothing
    LvDatos.Sorted = False ' Con esto se ordena la lista :)

Set RsListado = Nothing
Set subelemento = Nothing
asked by look68 01.06.2018 в 15:52

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