SESSION variables are lost in chrome when returning from paypal


I hope you can help me or guide me, I must mention that I am a beginner in php and html

I have two php / html pages that collect information about the purchase before sending the data to paypal via post, on the second page the data form is sent to paypal through another php page that the user does not see, each page has a session start in its header to save the session variables. Once the paypal is returned, the session variables serve to show the user the summary of their purchase and reservation data, this data is shown together with the data sent by paypal. In opera and safari session variables are preserved until the end once you have returned paypal and paypal data is received via post too, but in chrome are lost once you return from paypal, I have searched but not I find nothing that I have to fix and I also do not understand why in chrome the session does not work well and in opera and safari.

codigo en pagina1, envia datos via form post a pag2

codigo en pagina2 envia datos via form post a pag3
$_SESSION['vina_booking'] = $_POST['tour_booking'];
$_SESSION['d_booking'] = $_POST['date_booking'];
$_SESSION['time_booking'] = $_POST['time_booking'];
$_SESSION['ad_booking'] = $_POST['nro_ad'];

$tour_booking = $_POST['tour_booking'];
$date_booking = $_POST['date_booking']; 
$time_booking = $_POST['time_booking'];
$nro_ad = $_POST['nro_ad']; 

codigo en pagina3 envia datos via form post a paypal
$_SESSION['trf_book'] = $_POST['trf_book'];
$_SESSION['firstname_booking'] = $_POST['firstname_booking'];
$_SESSION['lastname_booking'] = $_POST['lastname_booking'];
$_SESSION['email_booking'] = $_POST['email_booking'];
$_SESSION['telephone_booking'] = $_POST['telephone_booking'];
$_SESSION['comentarios_booking'] = $_POST['comentarios_booking'];

codigo en pagina4 recibe datos de paypal y muestra resumen de la compra
$_SESSION['transaccion'] = $_POST["txn_id"];
$_SESSION['payment_date'] = $_POST["payment_date"];
$_SESSION['payment_status'] = $_POST["payment_status"];
$_SESSION['quantity'] = $_POST['quantity'];
$_SESSION['$mc_gross'] = $_POST['mc_gross'];
$_SESSION['$item_name'] = $_POST['item_name'];

Greetings and I hope I have written well according to the format that is required Jorgeg

asked by jorge vivanco 29.05.2018 в 13:12

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