I'm having a problem running java -jar.
The application is an integration WS (exposes an endpoint whose operations call a third-party WS). The application worked correctly with http, but when the third party added its own certificate and forced the use of https, it stopped working.
I have created the jks, and I have managed to generate the third-party wsdl classes. The application compiles and executes "mvn spring-boot: run -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore = MiJks.jks" works correctly. If on the other hand I use "java -jar Miapp.jar -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore = MiJks.jks", it is not able to create the beans of the services of the 3rd.
To generate the wsdl code of the 3rd, I use jaxws-maven-plugin from codehaus.
This is the definition of the bean within the application-context:
What's wrong? What's the difference between running java via maven and running the java directly?
Thanks in advance,