I miss the following error, and I do not understand the reason ...
I have changed the access to Public of all timers in case that was the problem and nothing ...
'Block timers
Private Sub blocktimers()
Dim i As Integer
For Each c As Timer In Me.components.Components
If TypeOf c Is Timer Then
If c.Enabled And c.Interval <> 210 Then
carray(i) = c
ReDim Preserve carray(i + 1)
End If
End If
End Sub
'Release timers
Private Sub releasetimers()
For Each c As Timer In carray
End Sub
Reviewing point to point, I have seen that at some point it detects c with the value Nothing.
I've added an If c IsNot Nothing Then, before c.Start ()
Now the error does not jump and the application does not get stuck but if I put a break point in each sub, I see that releasetimers () only activates 1 timer, the value of the second timer it finds is nothing and leaves the sub, while blocktimers () is stopping more than 10 timers ...
Greetings and thank you very much!