Warning: deprecated conversion from string constant


I have a warning that I can not remove ... it says "deprecated conversion from string constant to char *". The code where he complains is the following:

        THREE_DATA_4_COMPUTE(const QString &cn, char* umn = "", const QString &un = (const QString)"")
            this->curveName = cn;
            this->unitModuleName = umn;
            this->unitName = un;
        QString curveName;
        char* unitModuleName;
        QString unitName;

and I invoke it in the following way, passing 1 single parameter (hence I need the defaults):

THREE_DATA_4_COMPUTE *aux = new THREE_DATA_4_COMPUTE(this->getRmft());

What is wrong? I'm with c ++, Qt 4.8 and linux.

asked by Emiliano Torres 21.02.2017 в 16:09

2 answers

THREE_DATA_4_COMPUTE(const QString &cn, char* umn = "", const QString &un = (const QString)"")
//                                                  ^^                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                                                   1                       2

Those two errors:

  • "" is not a variable string but constant, like "hola" and consequently you should only point to that string from a constant pointer
  • That structure does not make any sense. A non-constant object can become constant whenever you want without penalty because the only thing you get this way is to increase the restriction of the object and that always is allowed. On the other hand, it is not necessary to build QString from a string because you already have a constructor for it
  • How should that builder look?

    THREE_DATA_4_COMPUTE(const QString &cn, const char* umn = "", const QString &un = QString())

    One problem you may face when testing this signature is that now umn is not compatible with unitModuleName , since one is const char* and the other char* . In my opinion, unless it is strictly necessary, I would convert unitModuleName to QString ... although the same goes for changing unitModuleName to be const char* ... as you do not show the implementation of the class is not left clear if that value can change or not.

    Of course, since it's free to put longer names for the variables, for readability you'd almost be ashamed to make the names of them more descriptive.

    answered by 21.02.2017 / 16:25


    The alarm deprecated conversion from string constant to char* is usually given when trying to store text literal whose type is constant pointer to char , in a variable that is pointer to char (without being constant).

    You can also find this alarm when you try to store a constant pointer to char on a pointer to% co_of non-constant%.


    void funcion(char *texto);
    // deprecated conversion from string constant to char*
    funcion("Patatas fritas, que ricas!");

    In the previous code we see how a text literal ( char ) is stored in a variable of type pointer to "Patatas fritas, que ricas!" without the qualifier char . The text literal type is const (constant array of 27 elements of type const char[27] ), this type of arrays is implicitly convertible to constant pointer to char ; when passing it to non-constant pointer the alarm appears. To correct the problem add the char qualifier to the parameter:

    void funcion(const char *texto); // const anyadido
    funcion("Patatas fritas, que ricas!"); // ninguna alarma

    It can also happen if the return of a function is const and it is stored in a variable pointer to const char * that does not have the qualifier char :

    struct C { const char *miembro() { return nullptr; } };
    void funcion(char *texto);
    C c;
    // deprecated conversion from string constant to char*

    Why is it happening ?: Compatibility with

    The implicit conversion of const to const char * is the only conversion of that type allowed in C ++, it exists for backward compatibility with C.

    In the C language, the semantics of the text literals and the char * qualifier are different than in C ++. In C a text literal is an array of const non-constant while in C ++ a text literal is an array of char constant. To allow the same semantics in C that in C ++ this conversion was marked as an alarm instead of as an error.

    Thus, in C, passing a text literal to a function is allowed:

    // Si compilamos con C en lugar de con C++ ...
    void funcion(char *texto);
    // ... esto no da problemas ni alarmas.
    funcion("Patatas fritas, que ricas!");

    However, conversions of qualified data with char to data without qualification is explicitly prohibited in C ++:

    // Funcion que recibe un puntero a char
    void funcion(char *texto);
    // Funcion que recibe un puntero a int
    void funcion_int(int *números);
    // Un arreglo de valores int.
    const int numeros[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    // deprecated conversion from string constant to char*
    funcion("Patatas fritas, que ricas!");
    // Error! NO se puede convertir 'const int *' a 'int *'.

    While with const we get the deprecated alarm with char we get an error. If you use more modern C ++ compilers you will get an error instead of an alarm.

    answered by 21.02.2017 в 16:25