java.util.LinkedHashMap can not be cast to ******. class


I'm trying to get each of the objects that make up a List of objects so that when I iterate over them I'll add them to a database.

The procedure I follow is the following:

1. I call this method that converts a Json string to a list of objects.

    public List<Schedule> jsonStringToArray(String jsonString) throws IOException {
    return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(jsonString, /*new TypeReference<List<Schedule>>(){}*/ List.class);

    //return OBJECT_MAPPER.convertValue(schedules, new TypeReference<List<Schedule>>() {});
  • Itero and I get each object to add it in the database

        for (int i = 0; i < schedules.getSchedulesList().size(); i++) {
  • The fault gives me on the save line and tells me the following:


    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap can not be cast to en.ticnor.trayecbus.model.Schedule

    I think the error is in the jsonStringToArray method, when doing the return I'm not doing the mapper well in such a way that it becomes a Schedule object. What I think this is doing is in a kind of auxiliary object of type LinkedHashMap

    asked by Eduardo 25.05.2018 в 12:31

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