Python, bots, mechanize


I'm making a bot that is able to enter my router, go to a certain tab and click the reset button. The idea is simple, I simply intend to restart the router in an automated way, in python.

For this I am using the Python Mechanize library.

import mechanize

br = mechanize.Browser()
response ="")


if("wifi")) != -1:
    # ????? 

Well, as you can see, I had to use the set_handle_robots method because the router detected that it was not human to connect, and it would not let me access.

Now, I have been able to access the router, through the previous form.

If you find the string 'wifi', it means that it is inside, however, here is when I get lost, because the restart button is in another tab (another page, I imagine that from the same object indicating the new url, is able to follow the redirection without closing the session). However, the button on that tab is a button.

It is not a form. I contribute image:

And honestly, I do not have the slightest idea of running that button.

Thanks in advance.

asked by Omar 25.05.2018 в 12:29

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