Assignments and counters in XSLT


I have the following XML file:


    <categoria id="">
        <nombre><![CDATA[(no disponible)]]></nombre>

    <categoria id="">
        <nombre><![CDATA[Colegios mayores]]></nombre>
        <catSuperior id=""/>
    <categoria id="">
        <nombre><![CDATA[Escuelas universitarias]]></nombre>
        <catSuperior id=""/>
    <categoria id="">
        <catSuperior id=""/>
    <categoria id="">
        <nombre><![CDATA[Otros centros universitarios]]></nombre>
        <catSuperior id=""/>

<recurso id="URLRECURSO">
        <nombre>Escuela Superior de Diseño</nombre>
        <descripcion><Diseño gráfico, Diseño producto, Diseño interiores, Diseño moda, Diseño espacios comerciales, Diseño interactivoMetro: Vinateros (línea 9)  Bus: 71></descripcion>

Resource elements there are 156 in the file, I only put 2, the problem I have is that I need to check according to the id attribute of InfoCategoria / descendants / category to which category corresponds each resource, example, in descendants we have, senior colleges, universities, faculties and other centers, because I have to look at each resource element one by one and compare the category element with the id attribute mentioned above and add each one so that in the end I get the total number and that is what I do not I know how to implement.

To count all the resources I use and it works perfectly, it gives 156 what are there but what should I do to get the number of each descendant ?, because I can not use counters in xslt not?

Thank you very much

asked by Christian 22.05.2018 в 13:40

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