This is the code. Type is an enum that contains two DHCP and PAC values. The problem is that this code tells me that the call requires android 21 and I need this to work on 18. Is there any way? Thanks in advance.
private static WifiConfiguration setProxy(WifiConfiguration conf, String hostname, int port, List<String> bypass, PROXY_TYPE type) {
try {
Class proxyInfoClass = Class.forName("");
Class[] setHttpProxyParams = new Class[1];
setHttpProxyParams[0] = proxyInfoClass;
Class wifiConfigClass = Class.forName("");
Method setHttpProxy = wifiConfigClass.getDeclaredMethod("setHttpProxy", setHttpProxyParams);
//Get the ENUM ProxySettings in IpConfiguration
Class ipConfigClass = Class.forName("");
Field f = ipConfigClass.getField("proxySettings");
Class proxySettingsClass = f.getType();
Class[] setProxySettingsParams = new Class[1];
setProxySettingsParams[0] = proxySettingsClass;
Method setProxySettings = wifiConfigClass.getDeclaredMethod("setProxySettings", setProxySettingsParams);
ProxyInfo pi = null;
String Type = null;
switch (type) {
case MANUAL:
Type = "DHCP";
//esta es la llamada que me dice API21
pi = ProxyInfo.buildDirectProxy(hostname, port, bypass);
case PAC_URL:
Type = "PAC";
//esta tambien
pi = ProxyInfo.buildPacProxy(Uri.parse(hostname));
//pass the new object to setHttpProxy
Object[] params_SetHttpProxy = new Object[1];
params_SetHttpProxy[0] = pi;
setHttpProxy.invoke(conf, params_SetHttpProxy);
//pass the enum to setProxySettings
Object[] params_setProxySettings = new Object[1];
params_setProxySettings[0] = Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>) proxySettingsClass, Type);
setProxySettings.invoke(conf, params_setProxySettings);
} catch (Exception e) {
return conf;