Good morning, I have a query that returns values of several functions and I need to filter it with another table B since I do not want it to show the record if it exists in table B This is the query I want to filter
SELECT FormaPago, NDCH, CORE, FechaPago, MontoReclamo,
MontoIndemnizado, ImpuestoRetenido, ProntoPago, TotalPago, Deposito,
FDeposito, NBanco, MIVA
FROM dbo.fn_getPagosAgrupadosPrev('1', '1', '0001')
This is the result of this query
FormaPago NDCH CORE FechaPago MontoReclamo MontoIndemnizado ImpuestoRetenido ProntoPago TotalPago Deposito FDeposito NBanco MIVA
CHEQUE 47900005279 13257 2018-07-23 337.60 337.60 -16.88 0.00 320.72 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
CHEQUE 47900019987 1323 2017-04-10 4703.87 4303.87 -154.59 0.00 4149.28 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
TRANSF 3751 13796162 2016-11-18 2410876.04 1200000.00 -48489.44 0.00 1151510.56 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
TRANSF 3751 13801093 2016-11-18 186659.16 6659.16 0.00 0.00 6659.16 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
and I need to tell you that if the CORE exists in table B that does not show the results
select * from hd3928 WHERE CORE28 = 1323
I tried using an INNER JOIN but it does not work properly
SELECT FormaPago, NDCH, CORE, FechaPago, MontoReclamo, MontoIndemnizado, ImpuestoRetenido, ProntoPago, TotalPago, Deposito, FDeposito, NBanco,
FROM dbo.fn_getPagosAgrupadosPrev('1', '1', '0001')
The result this brings is
FormaPago NDCH CORE FechaPago MontoReclamo MontoIndemnizado ImpuestoRetenido ProntoPago TotalPago Deposito FDeposito NBanco MIVA
CHEQUE 47900005279 13257 2018-07-23 337.60 337.60 -16.88 0.00 320.72 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
CHEQUE 47900005279 13257 2018-07-23 337.60 337.60 -16.88 0.00 320.72 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
CHEQUE 47900019987 1323 2017-04-10 4703.87 4303.87 -154.59 0.00 4149.28 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
CHEQUE 47900019987 1323 2017-04-10 4703.87 4303.87 -154.59 0.00 4149.28 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
and the desired result is to remove the record where CORE = 1323
FormaPago NDCH CORE FechaPago MontoReclamo MontoIndemnizado ImpuestoRetenido ProntoPago TotalPago Deposito FDeposito NBanco MIVA
CHEQUE 47900005279 13257 2018-07-23 337.60 337.60 -16.88 0.00 320.72 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
TRANSF 3751 13796162 2016-11-18 2410876.04 1200000.00 -48489.44 0.00 1151510.56 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
TRANSF 3751 13801093 2016-11-18 186659.16 6659.16 0.00 0.00 6659.16 0 00/00/0000 NULL 0.00
Is there another way I could do it?