hi I am with a problem I have an arraylist that has strings in and I want to keep them with sharedpreference the theme is that I can not keep a arraylist then reading by there lei how to do it by transforming the arraylist in a hashset I did it keep the preferences the problem comes when I want to restore that take the preference to transform it from hashset to the return list
public void guardarpreferencias() {
SharedPreferences preferences = getSharedPreferences("lista", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
editor.putStringSet("datos", set);
public void cargarpreferencias() {
SharedPreferences preferences = getSharedPreferences("lista", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Set<String> set = preferences.getStringSet("datos", null);
is loading the preferences what slows me down the application some solution? because if I do not call you, it does not slow down.
I also saw that the transformation is done with Gson that I do not know what it is but he does not let me use it anyway.