Maybe you can not be more orthodox but I would do it that way due to the limitations of SQL SERVER
First declares a temporary variable where you will store the name of the most repeated program:
declare @nombreProgamRepite varchar(30)
After a temporary table to store the name and the number of times it is repeated:
declare @table as table (cantidad int,nombre_Prog varchar(30))
Then we will make a count to count the times the data is repeated and the result is stored in the temporary table:
insert into @table
select top 1 count(tbPrograma.nombre_programa) cant,tbPrograma.nombre_programa
from tbAfiliado inner join tbPrograma on
where group by tbPrograma.nombre_programa
At this time if you make a selection to the temporary table you would have a result like this:
cantidad nombre_Prog
3 fi
You just need to assign the value that repeats the most to your variable something like this:
set @nombreProgamRepite =(select nom from @table)
and now you have the name of the program that repeats itself would only have in your select assign it to the something like this:
select,tbAfiliado.nombre, tbPrograma.nombre_programa
from tbAfiliado inner join tbPrograma on
where and tbPrograma.nombre_programa=@nombreProgamRepite
I hope that's what you're looking for, I tried it at my place and if it brings me the results that you're looking for apparently