I am creating a REST service exposed from Java, I am working in Netbeans because I saw that it was much easier to generate the code from the database model that I have already defined and created, now the service works for me but I it returns all the data as XML, it uses Google's GSON library and it works with individual data but not List lists, when I was working with Eclipse, just including the Jersey-json library in the classpath was enough for me to return the JSON (used maven), in Netbeans even including the libraries in the pom.xml does not work for me, I am entering these libraries in the POM:
javax.ws.rs javax.ws.rs-api 2.1
com.sun.jersey jersey-json 1.19.4
But I get the result of the image when I call some function that only allows to eject values in JSON:
I do not want to have to parsed in Java or in JavaScript the answers, it's not the idea, anyway as I already commented, in Java with GSON it's not working at all well. On the Front side I'm using Angular but I do not think that helps much because this theme is server, glassfish and javaee.