Push Notifications in IOS with Ionic Framework


I am developing an app with the Ionic Framework, which has implemented notifications with gcm on the Android platform, the notifications arrive correctly, in IOS the same app does not receive notifications.

On Android I have something similar to this and it works (Use Laravel as Api rest and the notifications I send with the following PHP script):

// API access key from Google API's Console
$registrationIds = array( $_GET['id'] );
// prep the bundle
$msg = array
    'message'   => 'here is a message. message',

    'title'     => 'This is a title. title',

    'subtitle'  => 'This is a subtitle. subtitle',

    'tickerText'    => 'Ticker text here...Ticker text here...Ticker text here',

    'vibrate'   => 1,

    'sound'     => 1,

    'largeIcon' => 'large_icon',

    'smallIcon' => 'small_icon'

$fields = array

    'registration_ids'  => $registrationIds,

    'data'          => $msg

$headers = array
    'Authorization: key=' . API_ACCESS_KEY,
    'Content-Type: application/json'

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_URL, 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send' );

curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POST, true );

curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );

curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );

curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );

curl_setopt( $ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode( $fields ) );

$result = curl_exec($ch );

curl_close( $ch );

echo $result;

What I need to know, is what I have to do to make it work in IOS. It should be noted that I have the developer profile of apple and mac at hand.

Thank you very much in advance.

asked by Richar Delgado 17.05.2018 в 17:42

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