Good day and thank you very much for your answers in advance.
I have to make a java program that allows me to compare 2 strings (a predefined and correct one) and another that the user will enter, the theme is that in that, say phrase, 2 words must be free (they can vary in length and type of data) that is, the user can put anything that matches or not with what is in the predefined chain but the rest if it should be the same ... I give an example:
Predefined phrase: the forest 3sta very big and dark as well as silent.
Phrase given by the user: the forest 3sta very small and clear as well as silent.
Obsevece how the word "big" and "dark" changed, the result of that comparison is correct since those words are the free ones ...
How can I do it? So far I put both strings in 2 arrays and make the comparison character by character ... The problem comes later with the free words and the text with which the sentence ends.