I have the following question and I would like you to help me with this, you will see, I have in my controller to upload telephone equipment to my ApiRestful and everything done to be able to upload a computer by providing a "json", here the code:
public function store(Request $request)
$hash = $request->header('Authorization', null);
$jwtAuth = new JwtAuth();
$checkToken = $jwtAuth->checkToken($hash);
//Conseguir el usuario identificado
$user = $jwtAuth->checkToken($hash, true);
//Guardar el auto
$role = $user->role;
if($role == 'SUPERUSUARIO')
//Recoger datos del post
$json = $request->input('json', null);
$params = json_decode($json, true);
$i = 0;
$paramnew = [];
foreach ($params as $param => $param_data)
$name_t[$i] = (!is_null($json) && isset($param_data['name_t'])) ? $param_data['name_t'] : null;
$name_t = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->name_t)) ? $params->name_t : null;
$name_s = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->name_s)) ? $params->name_s : null;
$marca = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->marca)) ? $params->marca : null;
$marca_2 = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->marca_2)) ? $params->marca_2 : null;
$modelo = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->modelo)) ? $params->modelo : null;
$codigo_m = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->codigo_m)) ? $params->codigo_m : null;
$busqueda = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->busqueda)) ? $params->busqueda : null;
$color = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->color)) ? $params->color : null;
$internet = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->internet)) ? $params->internet : null;
$huella = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->huella)) ? $params->huella : null;
$largo = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->largo)) ? $params->largo : null;
$ancho = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->ancho)) ? $params->ancho : null;
$grosor = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->grosor)) ? $params->grosor : null;
$peso = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->peso)) ? $params->peso : null;
$pantalla = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->pantalla)) ? $params->pantalla : null;
$sistema = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->sistema)) ? $params->sistema : null;
$version = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->version)) ? $params->version : null;
$nucleos = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->nucleos)) ? $params->nucleos : null;
$velocidad = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->velocidad)) ? $params->velocidad : null;
$memoria = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->memoria)) ? $params->memoria : null;
$sd = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->sd)) ? $params->sd : null;
$ram = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->ram)) ? $params->ram : null;
$cam_1 = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->cam_1)) ? $params->cam_1 : null;
$flash_1 = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->flash_1)) ? $params->flash_1 : null;
$cam_2 = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->cam_2)) ? $params->cam_2 : null;
$flash_2 = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->flash_2)) ? $params->flash_2 : null;
$bateria = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->bateria)) ? $params->bateria : null;
$bandas_2g = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->bandas_2g)) ? $params->bandas_2g : null;
$bandas_3g = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->bandas_3g)) ? $params->bandas_3g : null;
$bandas_4g = (!is_null($json) && isset($params->bandas_4g)) ? $params->bandas_4g : null;
//Rellenar Variables
$telefono = new Telefono();
$telefono_id = Telefono::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first()->id;
$telefono_id = 0;
$telefono->id = $telefono_id + 1;
$telefono->user_id = $user->sub;
$telefono->name_t = $name_t;
$telefono->name_s = $name_s;
$telefono->marca = $marca;
$telefono->marca_2 = $marca_2;
$telefono->modelo = $modelo;
$telefono->codigo_m = $codigo_m;
$telefono->busqueda = $busqueda;
$telefono->color = $color;
$telefono->internet = $internet;
$telefono->huella = $huella;
$telefono->largo = $largo;
$telefono->ancho = $ancho;
$telefono->grosor = $grosor;
$telefono->peso = $peso;
$telefono->pantalla = $pantalla;
$telefono->sistema = $sistema;
$telefono->version = $version;
$telefono->nucleos = $nucleos;
$telefono->velocidad = $velocidad;
$telefono->memoria = $memoria;
$telefono->sd = $sd;
$telefono->ram = $ram;
$telefono->cam_1 = $cam_1;
$telefono->flash_1 = $flash_1;
$telefono->cam_2 = $cam_2;
$telefono->flash_2 = $flash_2;
$telefono->bateria = $bateria;
$telefono->bandas_2g = $bandas_2g;
$telefono->bandas_3g = $bandas_3g;
$telefono->bandas_4g = $bandas_4g;
//Comprobar telefono duplicado
$isset_telefono = Telefono::where('name_t', '=', $name_t)->first();
if(count($isset_telefono) == 0)
//Guardar el registro
$data = [
'telefono' => $name_t,
'status' => 'success',
'code' => 200,
'message' => 'Telefono creado satisfactoriamente'
$data = [
'status' => 'error',
'code' => 400,
'message' => 'El telefono "'.$name_t.'" ya existe.'
$data = [
'status' => 'error',
'code' => 400,
'message' => 'Telefono no creado, el nombre comercial es requerido'
//Devolver error
$data = [
'message' => 'Role insuficiente para hacer esta acción.',
'status' => 'error',
'code' => 300
//Devolver error
$data = [
'message' => 'Hay que estar logeado para hacer esta acción',
'status' => 'error',
'code' => 300
return response()->json($data, 200);
My problem is that for me to upload teams I will not upload them "1 x 1" but of an excel with all the equipment that a telephone company passes me I do the conversion and I return everything in a "json" similar to the following:
then with that "json" already created I would like my phone controller to upload each of the equipment that is there, I have thought about possibilities, maybe a foreach that repeats each of the "name_t" that would be my foreign key in the database and therefore the only value needed to upload a computer, because all other values are optional, with only being able to upload that value to the database by passing a "json" where there are many "name_t" and I take them as different registers, life would be very difficult for me and I would manage to make the same thing happen with the other data.
PS: if you ask why in "$ telefono-> id" I put an id in that way, it's because the database is not an "auto_increment" field, since it's not my only key and I could not put it as the only key since the my phones the "name_t" is linked to another table of "prices"