What will be the error this is what appears to me when trying to compile ---> HAML: Compiling failed:
Syntax error on line 131: / Users / ernevizcaino / Documents / Frontend Course Project / index.haml: 56: syntax error, unexpected {arg, expecting ']' ... mage: "chicken", pricing: "12.00"} {name: "Spaguetti", image: "spa ... ... ^ Use --trace for backtrace.
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%meta{name:"description", content:"Come rico en el mejor restaurante de la ciudad, servicio de primera."}
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%strong desactualizado.
Por favor
actualiza tu navegador
para una mejor experiencia
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%h1.cursive.big-text.no-margin Restaurante Nene's
Abierto ahora
-menu = ["Inicio", "Menu", "Galeria", "Contacto", "Como llegar"]
-menu.each do |item|
%a{}= item
Atencion de primera y comida preparada por artistas
-menu.each do |item|
%a{}= item
- menu_photos = [{name: "Hamburguesa", image:"hamburguesa", pricing:"10.00"},{name: "Hot Dogs", image:"hot-dogs", pricing:"5.00"},{name: "Pizza", image:"pizza", pricing:"18.00"},{name: "Pollo", image:"pollo", pricing:"12.00"}{name: "Spaguetti", image:"spaguetti", pricing:"7.00"}{name: "Tacos", image:"tacos", pricing:"2.00"}{name: "Tacos-Carne", image:"tacosx2", pricing:"3.00"}{name: "Tamales", image:"tamales", pricing:"3.00"}]
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