Why the first record is replaced


When I enter a form a record is added to the indicated row but after that I add another record and replace it and I do not understand why I think the code is right.

Function Insercion(Nombre_Completo As String, Domicilio As String, Telefono As String, Seccion As String) As String
Dim ultimaFila, filaRegistro, existe As Long
Dim confirmacionRegistro As String

confirmacionRegistro = "No"

ultimaFila = Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

If ultimaFila < 4 Then
  filaRegistro = 4
     filaRegistro = ultimaFila + 1
End If

If ultimaFila < 4 Then
    ultimaFila = 4
End If

    existe = ExitenciaRegistro(Nombre_Completo, "D4:D" & ultimaFila)

If existe > 0 Then
   MsgBox "Este Registro ya existe"
   Insercion = confirmacionRegistro
   Exit Function
End If

Base_De_Datos.Cells(filaRegistro, 4) = Nombre_Completo
Base_De_Datos.Cells(filaRegistro, 5) = Domicilio
Base_De_Datos.Cells(filaRegistro, 6) = Telefono
Base_De_Datos.Cells(filaRegistro, 7) = Seccion

MsgBox "Registrado"

confirmacionRegistro = " Ingresado"

Insercion = confirmacionRegistro

End Function

Private Function ExitenciaRegistro(Nombre_Completo As String, rangoConsulta As String) As Long
Dim numeroFila As Long
   numeroFila = 0

With Base_De_Datos.Range(rangoConsulta)
  Set c = .Find(Nombre_Completo, LookIn:=xlValues)
    If Not c Is Nothing Then
      numeroFila = c.Row
    End If
End With

ExitenciaRegistro = numeroFila 

End Function
asked by Diana Lizeth 17.05.2018 в 06:41

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