because I have this error in Tensorflow?

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# Dataset
x_data = np.array([[1.,0.,2], [0.,1.,3], [1.,0.,2], [1.,1.,4]])
y_data = np.array([[3.], [0.], [1.], [2.]])

# Hyperparamters
n_input = 3
n_hidden = 10
n_output = 1
lr = 0.01
epochs = 10000
display_step = 200

# Placeholders 
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None, n_input ])
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None, n_output])

# Weights 
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([n_input, n_hidden] , name="W_layer1"))
W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([n_hidden, n_output], name="W_layer2"))

b1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal ([n_hidden]), name="b_layer1") 
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal ([n_output]), name="b_layer2")

L2 = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1)
hy = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(L2, W2) + b2)

cost = tf.reduce_mean(-Y*tf.log(hy) - (1-Y) * tf.log(1-hy))

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr).minimize(cost)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

with tf.Session() as sess:

       for step in range(epochs):
           _, c =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict = {X: x_data, Y: y_data})

        if step % 200 == 0:
            print(step, c)

predicted = tf.cast(hy > 0.5, dtype=tf.float32)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.equal(predicted, Y), dtype=tf.float32))
# Accuracy report
h, c, a =[hy, predicted, accuracy], feed_dict={X: x_data, Y: y_data})
print("\nHypothesis: ", h, "\nCorrect (Y): ", c, "\nAccuracy: ", a)
  #Al correr el codigo tengo este error
  0 -2.18759
  1000 nan
  2000 nan
  3000 nan
  4000 nan
  5000 nan
  6000 nan
  7000 nan
  8000 nan
  9000 nan

 Hypothesis:  [[ nan]
  [ nan]
  [ nan]
  [ nan]] 
 Correct (Y):  [[ 0.]
  [ 0.]
  [ 0.]
  [ 0.]] 
 Accuracy:  0.25
asked by Cris Gonzales 13.05.2018 в 19:52

1 answer


Your network is not learning, the learning_rate that you use is very large and that's why you jump to NaN immediately, if you decrease it you will see the correct output, although you will have other problems that you should review.

answered by 11.06.2018 / 20:20