Question about selectOneMenu Primefaces java cascaded


Today I was developing a cascaded selectOneMenu, for that I followed the Primefaces documentation link

That being the case, I implemented it in my code to make a cascade of these but in 4 levels:

This is the

package com.nameEmpresa.integrado.bean;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;

public class UbicacionesBean {
    private Map<String, Map<String, String>> data1 = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
    private Map<String, Map<String, String>> data2 = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();
    private Map<String, Map<String, String>> data3 = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>();  
    private Map<String, String> paises;
    private Map<String, String> departamentos;
    private Map<String, String> municipios;
    private Map<String, String> barrios;
    private String pais;
    private String departamento;
    private String municipio;
    private String barrio;
    public void inicializar(){
   paises  = new HashMap<String, String>();
        paises.put("Colombia", "Colombia");
        paises.put("Peru", "Peru");
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put("depPeru1", "depPeru1");
        map.put("depPeru2", "depPeru2");
        data1.put("Peru", map);
        Map<String, String> map2 = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map2.put("Mesitas", "Mesitas");
        map2.put("Viota", "Viota");
        data2.put("Cundinamarca", map2);
        map2 = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map2.put("Tunja", "Tunja");
        map2.put("Garagoa", "Garagoa");
        data2.put("Boyaca", map2);
        map2 = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map2.put("MunicipioPeru1", "MunicipioPeru1");
        map2.put("MunicipioPeru2", "MunicipioPeru2");
        data2.put("depPeru1", map2);
        map2 = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map2.put("MunicipioPeru66", "MunicipioPeru66");
        map2.put("MunicipioPeru67", "MunicipioPeru67");
        data2.put("depPeru2", map2);
        Map<String, String> map3Barr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map3Barr.put("barrio1Mesitas", "barrio1Mesitas");
        map3Barr.put("barrio2Mesitas", "barrio2Mesitas");
        data3.put("Mesitas", map3Barr);
        map3Barr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map3Barr.put("barrioViota1", "barrioViota1");
        map3Barr.put("barrioViota2", "barrioViota2");
        data3.put("Viota", map3Barr);
        map3Barr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map3Barr.put("barrioPeru666", "barrioPeru666");
        data3.put("MunicipioPeru67", map3Barr);

    public Map<String, String> getPaises() {
        return paises;

    public void setPaises(Map<String, String> paises) {
        this.paises = paises;

    public Map<String, String> getDepartamentos() {
        return departamentos;

    public void setDepartamentos(Map<String, String> departamentos) {
        this.departamentos = departamentos;

    public Map<String, String> getMunicipios() {
        return municipios;

    public void setMunicipios(Map<String, String> municipios) {
        this.municipios = municipios;

    public Map<String, String> getBarrios() {
        return barrios;

    public void setBarrios(Map<String, String> barrios) {
        this.barrios = barrios;

    public String getPais() {
        return pais;

    public void setPais(String pais) {
        this.pais = pais;

    public String getDepartamento() {
        return departamento;

    public void setDepartamento(String departamento) {
        this.departamento = departamento;

    public String getMunicipio() {
        return municipio;

    public void setMunicipio(String municipio) {
        this.municipio = municipio;

    public String getBarrio() {
        return barrio;

    public void setBarrio(String barrio) {
        this.barrio = barrio;
    public void onPaisChange(){
        if(pais != null && !pais.equals(""))
            departamentos = data1.get(pais);
         departamentos = new HashMap<String,String>();
         municipios = new HashMap<String,String>();
         barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();
      public void onDepartamentoChange(){
        if(departamento != null && !departamento.equals(""))
            municipios = data2.get(departamento);
         municipios = new HashMap<String,String>();
         barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();
      public void onMunicipioChange(){
        if(municipio != null && !municipio.equals(""))
            barrios = data3.get(municipio);
         barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();

this is the .xhtml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
        <title>Facelet Title</title>
                        <p:selectOneMenu id="paises" value="#{ubicaciones.pais}">
                            <p:ajax listener="#{ubicaciones.onPaisChange()}"  update="depar muni barrios"/>
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Seleccione un Pais" itemValue="" noSelectionOption="true" />
                            <f:selectItems value="#{ubicaciones.paises}" />
                        <p:selectOneMenu id="depar" value="#{ubicaciones.departamento}" >
                            <p:ajax listener="#{ubicaciones.onDepartamentoChange()}" update="muni barrios" />
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Seleccione un Departamento" itemValue="" noSelectionOption="true" />
                            <f:selectItems value="#{ubicaciones.departamentos}" />
                        <p:selectOneMenu id="muni" value="#{ubicaciones.municipio}">
                            <p:ajax  listener="#{ubicaciones.onMunicipioChange()}" update="barrios"/>
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Seleccione un Municipio" itemValue="" noSelectionOption="true" />
                            <f:selectItems  value="#{ubicaciones.municipios}" />
                        <p:selectOneMenu id="barrios" value="#{ubicaciones.barrio}">
                            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Seleccione un Barrio" itemValue="" noSelectionOption="true" />
                            <f:selectItems  value="#{ubicaciones.barrios}" />


The problem was that the fields were not emptied properly (marked with id's="depar", "muni", "barrios") when the ajax of the countryOnchange was executed. After looking for hours I realized that when I removed the brackets to the method of countryOnChange this worked as I wanted. It was like this:

   public void onPaisChange(){
        if(pais != null && !pais.equals("")){
            departamentos = data1.get(pais);
         departamentos = new HashMap<String,String>();
         municipios = new HashMap<String,String>();
         barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();

And then I removed the brackets and it served. staying like this:

   public void onPaisChange(){
        if(pais != null && !pais.equals(""))
            departamentos = data1.get(pais);
         departamentos = new HashMap<String,String>();
         municipios = new HashMap<String,String>();
         barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();

This is where my question comes from. Is not it supposed that the 2 should be executed in the same way? and Why are those 2 blocks of code not equivalent?

I would really appreciate it if you can resolve this concern I have :).

asked by X_Xmeloxx2 10.05.2018 в 06:04

1 answer


An if-else construction works like this:

if (condicion)
   [bloque de código]
   [bloque de código]

(of course, the else and the second block of code is optional).

What is a code block? It is:

  • An instruction;

  • A set of instructions grouped by { } .


     departamentos = new HashMap<String,String>();
     municipios = new HashMap<String,String>();
     barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();

, only departamentos = new HashMap<String,String>(); is part of the execution of else ; the other lines are left out of the if-else construction and will be executed independently of the condition. In fact the correct tabulation 1 would be:

     departamentos = new HashMap<String,String>();

municipios = new HashMap<String,String>();
barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();


else {
     departamentos = new HashMap<String,String>();
     municipios = new HashMap<String,String>();
     barrios = new HashMap<String,String>();

, what executes the else is the block of instructions grouped by the keys, so the instructions will only be executed if the condition is false .

As a side note, what is explained above is a fairly basic question of programming in Java. If you have not controlled the basic level programming of Java, it would be interesting if you considered taking more ease with it before adding the complexity of JSFs and other technologies.

1 Of course, tabulation has no influence on how the program is compiled. It is useful only to make it easier for the programmer to read the code.     
answered by 10.05.2018 в 10:35