Well what I want to do is the generation of several boxes of images in my application of C #, in a few words a history of the images uploaded to my application. I currently have the following code:
Image Generation Code (Does not work).
var directorio = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(@"..\..\Imagenes\Imagenes_Modal\Usuario\Enero");
PictureBox[] pics = new PictureBox[1000];
for (int i=0;i<directorio.GetFiles().Length;i++) {
pics[i] = new PictureBox();
pics[i].Location = new Point(50,50);
pics[i].Name = "pic" + i;
pics[i].Size = new Size(300, 75);
pics[i].ImageLocation = @"..\..\Imagenes\Imagenes_Modal\Usuario\Enero\Enero0.jpg";
The above code in theory should create the images, in this case 3 images in your picturebox, I know that it would be emplamaria because they would be the same size and in the same location, that I intend to modify it, but at the moment it does not generate me not a single image, the winforms where they should be generated comes out in gray with nothing and those instructions are in the winform's constructor.