How to use JInternalFrame in an enum?


I want to organize the forms of my system, create a enum where I add all the data of each form (title, Querys, Name of the table, etc). It worked great until you try to put the JInternalFrame to which it belongs. What I want to do is have a procedure in my Menu which only sends the enum and from there I can interact with the JInternalFrame. The problem is that when I search the enum I get the following error:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError     at PckMain.clsFrm $ ENMFRM. ( It should be noted that the enum is in a class apart from the menu where I want to maejarlo, as well as the declaration of the JInternalFrame.
The code is as follows:

public static final frmControlInterno FrmControlInterno=new frmControlInterno();
public static enum ENMFRM{
FRMV_CNTINT(FrmControlInterno ,"Control Interno","SELECT a.NroDocCCI, a.CodEmp, a.FecEmiCCI, a.ImpTotCCI, " 
                  + "CASE WHEN AlEmp.AliEmp = '' THEN CASE WHEN AlEmp.NomCmcEmp = '' THEN AlEmp.RazSocEmp ELSE AlEmp.NomCmcEmp END ELSE AlEmp.AliEmp END AS NomEmp, " 
                  + "CASE WHEN AlEnt.AliEnt = '' THEN CASE WHEN AlEnt.NomCmcEnt = '' THEN AlEnt.RazSocEnt ELSE AlEnt.NomCmcEnt END ELSE AlEnt.AliEnt END AS NomEnt " 
                  + "FROM tb_cincab as a " 
                  + "LEFT JOIN tb_ent as AlEnt ON a.CodEnt = AlEnt.CodEnt " 
                  + "LEFT JOIN tb_emp as AlEmp ON a.CodEmp = AlEmp.CodEmp " 
                  + "WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM FecEmiCCI)='" + ANOACT + "' AND EXTRACT(MONTH FROM FecEmiCCI)='" + MESACT + "' "," ORDER BY a.FecEmiCCI DESC, a.NroDocCCI DESC ","","")
private final JInternalFrame loIFrm;
private final String lsTitFrm;
private final String lsQryLst1;
private final String lsQryLst2;
private final String lsQryDet1;
private final String lsQryDet2;
private ENMFRM(JInternalFrame toIFrm, String tsTitFrm, String tsQryLst1, String tsQryLst2, String tsQryDet1, String tsQryDet2) {
            loIFrm = toIFrm;
            lsTitFrm = tsTitFrm;
            lsQryLst1 = tsQryLst1;
            lsQryLst2 = tsQryLst2;
            lsQryDet1 = tsQryDet1;
            lsQryDet2 = tsQryDet2;
public JInternalFrame getIFrm() {
            return loIFrm;
        public JDialog getDFrm() {
            return loDFrm;
        public String getTitulo() {
            return lsTitFrm;
        public String getQryLst1() {
            return lsQryLst1;
        public String getQryLst2() {
            return lsQryLst2;
        public String getQryDet1() {
            return lsQryDet1;
        public String getQryDet2() {
            return lsQryDet2;

And my procedure for maejarlo is:

private void ppCargaFrm(ENMFRM toEnmFrm){
    Dimension loSizeDtk = dtkPanelPrincipal.getSize();
    Dimension FrameSize = toEnmFrm.getIFrm().getSize();
    toEnmFrm.getIFrm().setLocation((loSizeDtk.width - FrameSize.width)/2, (loSizeDtk.height- FrameSize.height)/2);

I hope you can help me, thanks in advance.

asked by Pacheco D. Elver 07.05.2018 в 21:54

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