Capture a web image


I would like to create an image on my server, the image should contain the web for example if I put $ url=""; must show an image with the google web

I have tried to do with third-party tools but I have not, someone could help me to capture the image and store it on the server ?? Greetings and thanks

asked by pablo 08.05.2018 в 13:48

1 answer


let's see, I already managed to show the image through a google API, but I need to copy it on the server, someone could help me out, I'll put the code

function getGooglePageSpeedScreenshot ($ site, $ img_tag_attributes="border = '1'") {     #initialize     $ use_cache = false;     $ apc_is_loaded = extension_loaded ('apc');

#set $use_cache
if($apc_is_loaded) {
    apc_fetch("thumbnail:".$site, $use_cache);

if(!$use_cache) {
    $image = file_get_contents("$site&screenshot=true");
    $image = json_decode($image, true);
    $image = $image['screenshot']['data'];
    if($apc_is_loaded) {
        apc_add("thumbnail:".$site, $image, 2400);

$image = str_replace(array('_', '-'), array('/', '+'), $image);
return "<img src=\"data:image/jpeg;base64,".$image."\" 


echo getGooglePageSpeedScreenshot($dominio, 'class="thumbnail"');
answered by 27.05.2018 / 18:09