odbc with crystal report, step of parameter


yesterday they helped me with a problem that I have and I had managed to solve it, but I have a more serious one derived from it ... I have a local connection odbc (mysql) configured to work with crystal report, I have to use a query with inner because I have to show data from several tables but when I launch the generate button, the execution is closed, but it does not mark me any error, apart from the fact that it does not take the parameter ... I have this code:

Public Sub generarInformeIncidencia()

    Dim MyConnection As New OdbcConnection(MyConString)

    Dim frm As New frmPrincipal


        Dim MyCommand As New OdbcCommand()
        Dim MyDataReader As OdbcDataReader
        '  Dim valor As MySqlDataReader


        Dim tablas As New DataTable

        Dim reporte As New InformeFinalIncidencia1

        MyCommand.CommandText = ("SELECT inc.id_incidencia, tipo.identificacion_solicitud, inc.fecha_registro, niv.identificacion_nivel, est.identificacion_estado, met.identificacion_metodo, fun.nombre_funcionario, cat.identificacion_categoria,  scat.identificacion_subcategoria, inc.detalle_incidencia, sop.nombre_funcionario FROM tbl_incidencias inc LEFT JOIN tbl_metodos_ingreso_incidencia met ON inc.id_metodo_ingreso=met.id_metodo_ingreso LEFT JOIN tbl_funcionario fun ON inc.id_registro=fun.id_registro LEFT JOIN tbl_funcionario_soporte sop ON inc.id_registro_soporte=sop.id_registro_soporte LEFT JOIN tbl_tipo_solicitud tipo ON inc.id_tipo_solicitud=tipo.id_tipo_solicitud LEFT JOIN tbl_categoria_incidencia cat ON inc.id_categoria=cat.id_categoria LEFT JOIN tbl_subcategoria_incidencia scat ON inc.id_subcategoria=scat.id_subcategoria LEFT JOIN tbl_niveles_incidencia niv ON inc.id_nivel=niv.id_nivel LEFT JOIN tbl_estados_incidencia est ON inc.id_estado=est.id_estado WHERE inc.id_incidencia=id_incidencia")

        MyDataReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader


        InformeFinalIncidencia1.SetParameterValue("id_incidencia", txtId.Text)
        visorIncidencia.ReportSource = InformeFinalIncidencia1


    Catch MyOdbcException As OdbcException
        Dim i As Integer

        'Catch program exception
    Catch MyException As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

and to this function I call it from a button that should generate the report in cun crystalreportviewer of the same form ...

I thank you for the help already, if it were not that I am too complicated I would not be bothering you again

asked by Nicolas Ezequiel Almonacid 05.05.2018 в 22:58

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