I have a question about how to pass information between activitys using the database, since I have seen many tutorials on how to do it, but they always do it with a typed key and I use a autoincrementable and I do not know how to use it to pass the data and keep the context on that same table while using the application.
Here I leave the code of when I register something and move on to the other activity:
Intent irTrabajo = new Intent (dialog.getContext (), menu_trabajo_Activity.class);
//acceso a la base de datos
ConexionBaseDatos conexion = new ConexionBaseDatos(dialog.getContext(), "bd_uno", null, 1);
final String Nombre = editNombre.getText().toString();
final String Tipo = ediTipo.getText().toString();
//abro el modo escritura
SQLiteDatabase db = conexion.getWritableDatabase();
//metodo para agregar los valores
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(ConstantesDatos.Nombre, Nombre);
values.put(ConstantesDatos.Tipo, Tipo);
//insertar valores a la base de datos
long EnvioLibro = db.insert(ConstantesDatos.Tabla_Nombres, null, values);
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Se agrego con exito", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//cerrar la base de datos